Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Work from home business opportunity

Affiliate Program Promotion: Stop Being an Affiliate Program Jerk


This article reveals 7 high powered nitty-gritty affiliate marketing secrets of millionaire webmasters and internet business tycoons, which will help you generate massive website traffics, sales and large amount of affiliate program commissions, as well as insights into success in affiliate programs promotion, affiliate programs promotion, affiliate program marketing, affiliate program advertising, Affiliate program traffic secrets


There are millions of different affiliate programs on the internet and also offline to join and most are free.

During the past 7 yrs, millions of people from all over the world have joined these free affiliate programs in order to generate supplemental incomes or full time as home based businesses.

Since most of these affiliates have full time jobs and have little or no computing, website or business marketing and management skills, most have found it very difficult to generate affiliate commissions and reasonable income because they don’t know how to generate website traffics.

Therefore, some of them were forced to flock to the so-called internet-marketing gurus to buy internet-marketing e-books, website promotion softwares and read gazillion numbers of silly e-zines to learn how to promote their affiliate programs and websites.

Some of these so-called gurus went as far as seducing these internet newbies into attending their over priced internet-marketing seminars for $5000 in different cities in America and other countries of the world.

In some of these internet marketing e-books, the so called internet marketing gurus told them that the big secrets of getting rich on the internet were to get massive traffics by placing free classified ads, advertising in FFA (Free For All) websites, placing banner ads, doing pay per click advertising, creating thousands of blogs and pinging them, buying expensive text ad links, doing reciprocal link exchange with other websites, doing opt-in e-mail marketing, joint venture marketing, optimize and submit their websites to search engines, write articles about topics relating to their internet business and affiliate programs and submit them to thousands of article directories so as to get one way links, high page ranks and top 10 ranking so as to get massive traffics.

The so-called website marketing gurus seduced them into believing that to be able to do all these promotions they must use certain softwares and programs, which they must buy from them (the so-called internet marketing gurus!)

Some of these internet marketer newbies followed all these advices diligently and bought the softwares, did all the recommended internet marketing and promotions.

They have done the internet promotion work, but they were generating little or no traffics and sales despite spending thousands of dollars and their valuable time for 1yr-2yrs.

Finally, they became fade up and were forced to begin to scream, “Where is the money?”

What they did not realize was that most of the internet marketing strategies, which the so-called gurus had recommended, had been out of date, stale, invalid and did not work any more.

They did not know that the gurus do not even use those internet marketing and website promotion strategies.

This is because most of the so-called gurus had already made their money in various businesses before they got involved in internet businesses.

Most had built large customer base for about 10yrs-20 yrs before they began internet business.

One so-called internet-marketing guru sold his offline business for about $20,000,000 before he began his internet business and had more than 100,000 e-mail list to market any product to and generate thousands of dollars easily and instantly.

He was awash in raw cash and had 100,000 people he could send e-mails to market any product.

Obviously, most of the internet marketing strategies he recommended such as opt-in e-mail marketing worked for him and made him rich because he already had 100,000 in-house e-mail list databases of customers!

So, in their minds, the so called gurus might have believed that just because their internet marketing strategies worked for them it would work for everybody who bought their $29.95 e-books and website promotion softwares.

It is clear that what these gurus have been selling are half-truths.

They do not tell their customers the whole truth for obvious reasons.

Think about it.

Why would a so-called internet-marketing guru sell a powerful internet marketing “secret” which could make him $500,000 to somebody for $29.95?

Think seriously and logically about it.

Why would such a website marketing guru be naïve enough to sell it to thousands of Tom, Dick and Jane all over the world and therefore create unnecessary competitions for him/her, which would affect his income and profits negatively?

This is a no-brainer.

It is irrational.

No right thinking, rational and profit-motivated businessperson will do that: cut his/her nose to spite his/her face.

This will explain why only the so-called website marketing gurus have been getting richer in their internet businesses while the buyers of their internet marketing e-books and website promotion softwares have been doing poorly, and not succeeding as much as the website promotion gurus have in their affiliate programs marketing and internet businesses.

Website traffics, visitors and customers are the lifeblood of every business, both on the internet and off the internet.

If you cannot get massive website traffics and genuine targeted visitors to your affiliate program websites, you will not generate any sales and affiliate commission and income.

It is as simple as that.

So what are the secrets, which can help you to begin to generate massive website traffics and genuine visitors so that you may begin generating large amount of affiliate commissions like the super affiliates in your affiliate programs?

Here are some common sense useful tips to help you skyrocket your success in affiliate program marketing:

(1) Choose and promote only high paying affiliate programs.

Before you begin promotion, phone the company and make sure they are real people (and not just a bunch of 12 yr old kids goofing around online) and inquire how long it takes them to pay the commissions and ask how to verify that they pay their affiliates.

Ask them to refer you to some of their affiliates so that you may verify everything.

Most affiliate companies do not pay the commissions and you will not know until after you had spent time and money for a few months to promote their products and generated a large commission.

Then you will find out they would refuse to pay.

So check out and research the affiliate program before you begin promotion to make sure you will be paid your affiliate commissions.

(2) Select and promote only affiliate programs in high demand with mass appeal but with small number of marketers and sellers/suppliers.

The demand must be greater than the supply for you to generate massive traffics and generate large amount of commissions.

The higher the demand for the product/service, the more there will be traffics/visitors, sales and large affiliate commissions to be made.

(3) Stay away from most free affiliate programs.

Since they are free, hundreds of thousands of affiliates may be promoting them already, therefore saturating the market and creating more supply than demand and therefore making it hard to generate massive traffics, sales and affiliate commissions.

(4) Create your own affiliate program landing pages for all your affiliate programs.

On this landing page, include a short review of the affiliate program and how you have enjoyed it (if you have or how anyone else who bought it enjoyed it.)

Or you may use any testimonials at the company’s website.

Be sure to optimize this affiliate program landing page with the proper keywords.

This will help it to be indexed in the search engines and so get exposures and traffics.

If you do not know how to optimize a website/affiliate landing page, please go to our website and get our FREE POWERFUL INTERNET MARKETING E-BOOK, “PRAGMATIC MARKETING, THE HIGH OCTANE MARKETING SECRETS OF MILLIONAIRE WEBSMASTERS”
(Go to: http://maychic.com/affprograms.htm)

In the FREE “PRAGMATIC MARKETING” e-book, you will learn also how to monetize your affiliate program landing pages so that if your visitors do not click and order the affiliate program product/service, you would still make money from the other money generating programs on the affiliate program landing pages.

(5) Promote your affiliate landing pages aggressively.

Submit them to search engines every two weeks.

You can go to our website and use the FREE submission softwares (http://maychic.com/resources.htm)

We also revealed automated website submission services at that page, which you may use.

Search engines index billions of websites all the time so competition is stiff.

Do not relax and wait for them to come and index your websites and affiliate program landing pages.

Submit the affiliate program landing pages to them every two weeks to keep them in the front before them.

(6) Submit your affiliate program landing pages to book marking websites and be sure to add book-marking buttons in them so that your website visitors may book mark them and help you get exposures in the search engines.

(7) Do link exchange campaign for the affiliate program landing pages.

The more links and exposures you get in the major search engines for your affiliate program landing pages, the more traffics, sales and large amount of commissions that you would generate.

The secrets are exposure, exposure, exposure and traffics, traffics, and more traffics.

To learn little known traffic generating strategies which most millionaire webmasters and internet business tycoons use which they hide from the general public to avoid competition, go to our website and download for FREE, our POWERFUL INTERNET MARKETING E-BOOK, “PRAGMATIC MARKETING, THE HIGH OCTANE MARKETING SECRETS OF MILLIONAIRE WEBSMASTERS” (Go to: http://maychic.com/services.htm)

May these ideas and insights into Google Adsense program, affiliate programs, affiliate programs promotion, affiliate program marketing, affiliate program advertising, Google Adsense program, affiliate program landing pages, internet marketing guru, website promotion softwares, internet marketing and promotion e-books, affiliate program commissions, internet marketing softwares, pay per click leads, pay per click income, affiliate program income, business marketing, business advertising, website traffic secrets, free website traffics secrets, internet marketing ideas, website marketing secrets, seminars, opt-in e-mail list, online business advertising help you to become a shining success in affiliate marketing.

Below are some examples of affiliate program pages for you to use as models to study and implement our suggestions so that you may finally begin generating massive traffics, sales and large amount of affiliate program commissions from all your affiliate programs:












































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Anyone who violates this condition will be subject to legal action and payment of damages for violation of our copyrights.
Thank you.

Ikey Benney

Author: Ikey Benney

About Author:

I-key is the creator of FREE INTERNET MARKETING AND “FREE WEBSITE TRAFFICS SECRETS” E-BOOK, “PRAGMATIC MARKETING”Discover little known but POWERFUL, high octane, “jealously guarded” and “hushed up”, FREE “WEBSITE TRAFFICS SECRETS” of millionaire webmasters
Affiliate program marketing traffics: http://maychic.com/directory-online-stores.htm

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