Thursday, February 21, 2008

Business travel northwest

Want to Start a Work at Home Business and Fire Your Boss?


Do you dread Sunday night because you can't face another long week at a job you hate? Maybe it's time to start your own work at home business.


Do you dread Sunday night because you can't face another long week at a job you hate? Maybe it's time to start your own work at home business. Working at home via your own computer and the internet puts you in charge; it's not just a job, it's your future. There are basically 3 ways to succeed online and fire your boss. You can either:

  • Sell or advertise other peoples' products and services.
  • Allow other people to advertise their products/services on your website or blog.
  • Sell or advertise your own products/services.

Let's look at each of these in further detail . . .

Selling or advertising other peoples' products can be done in several different ways:

1) Probably the most common and easily understood is e-commerce. You start a work at home business by establishing a web 'store' with products from one or more manufacturers or producers and you sell them to consumers from your website for a profit. This type of site follows the more traditional business format and is very much like your local department store at the mall but without the physical presence. And though this type business is more easily understood and follows a more traditional business plan, it usually take a more significant up front investment to get started than the other businesses listed.

One way you can help reduce the initial expense is through drop shipping. Some manufacturers will ship product directly to the customer. In this way you can avoid the hassles of maintaining inventory, and a warehouse along with all the confusion of shipping and receiving. With drop shipping you get to sell name brand products on your site, and let the manufacturer take care of filling the orders and customer service.

2) The second way of selling other people's products is through Network Marketing. And though start up costs are usually quite a bit less than traditional e-commerce, and many companies still allow advertising and recruiting over the internet, this business takes considerable one-on-one time with customers and recruits. But if you have strong people skills and enjoy interacting with potential customers, this could the business for you.

You would want to take great care in choosing the marketing company you want to work with and make sure the product you would be selling would be a product you would buy, whether or not there was an income opportunity attached.

3) The very lucrative and last form of selling is called affiliate marketing. This is where you sell or advertise another person's product for a percentage of the profit. Estimates have it that affiliate marketers will earn over $6.5 billion in commissions in 2006. Yes that's a 'b' – Billion. And I don't know about you, but I want a piece of that pie. Selling through an affiliate program is a great way to sell on the Internet without getting knee-deep in product.

Allowing other people to advertise their products/service on your website/blog is the second basic way to start a work at home business and takes two forms:

1) You can sell advertising space on your website/blog. Most people who sell advertising on their own site use services like e-Bay to advertise the availability of advertising space and you will need proof of the number of unique visitors per month to your site. While this method would probably net more profits for you the website owner, it would also require more time and energy than using the next form of advertising.

2) With this form you can allow an advertising service provider or network to place ads on your site, relevant to your site's content. For each visitor to your site that clicks on the advertisement or completes the predefined action, you earn a fee. There are a number of advertising service providers the three of the largest and most successful are AzoogleAds, Google and Yahoo. This is a no hassle way of advertising.

Selling your own products/services on your website/blog or through advertising is by far the most lucrative method of earning on your computer but also is one of the most difficult. Not only must you come up with products and services to provide you must first find a market for these products and services before you begin. There are several ways to earn with your own products:

1) You can write and sell an information product such as an e-book or report. Compared to traditional products or books these reports and e-books are extremely inexpensive to produce and are almost all profit. There are products available online (e-books) which will walk you through getting your first e-book or report to market. This is a great way to start a work at home business and begin part-time and on a shoe-string budget.

2) You can also sell your own services. Whether you're in real estate, a tutor, gardener or virtual assistant you can sell online. Unfortunately you are limited in what you can earn in this type business by the amount of time you have available to provide your service; there's just so much of you to go around. You will also need to network on the web in order to sell your services effectively. There are social networking groups online to help you with this endeavor.

3) You could produce software or physical product to be sold to consumers. Though these two options can be very lucrative there is a far higher risk due to the amount of funds you would need to invest in testing and production. There are a lot of up front costs to these options; but the opportunity to earn is quite good.

Now that you have a basic knowledge of the income opportunities on the web, you may want to learn more about one or two of these options. There is a great deal of information on the internet to guide you as you start a work at home business. Succeeding online can be one of the most rewarding career moves of your life and could soon allow you to fire your boss.

Author: Joyce Filbeck

About Author:

Joyce Filbeck runs the website. If you would like to start a work at home business or read the latest marketing news drop by.

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Businss continuity

The Career Of A Domestic Energy Assessor


This article looks at what energy assessors do and their code of conduct.


Every energy assessor in the UK must become familiar with the Domestic Energy Efficiency Advice Code of Practice - as must anyone who owns residential property.

No matter whether you live on the property or purchase it as rental property, an energy assessor will be calling on you to determine if your property is up to code should you put it up for sale.

The Domestic Energy Efficiency Advice Code of Practice provides a standard for energy efficiency standards by which an energy assessor can judge a home. The code is useful not only for the energy assessor and the owner but for organizations that advice and inform about energy efficiency as well as builders, retailers and installers.

The Code of Practice for providers of domestic energy efficiency advice is a part of the long term framework for energy efficiency in homes.

Energy assessors and others in the government and non-profit agencies, organizations and interested individuals in the UK have embraced the code of practice as a guide for giving domestic advice to consumers on energy efficient practices and products.

The code of practice is made up of several things that can guide an energy assessor or energy assessor-candidate, as well as homeowners and other interested parties. Not only does the code set up standards of energy efficiency but it also sets up standards for dispensing information about energy efficiency.

Any organization that wants to be recognized as one in compliance with the code of practice must meet code standards and at least one of more of its additional categories of qualification. Even energy assessor or other organizations that contract out their efficiency information services to another third party can sign up and show its support for this Domestic Energy Efficiency Code of Practice.

The five additional categories of the code are energy efficiency information and advice at the point of sale of the property, which is where the energy assessor comes in.

This category applies to organizations or persons who advise others on appliances and other products at the point of their being purchased or being considered for purchase. Generally manufacturers and retailers would fall into this category.

The second energy assessor code of practice category would be where energy efficiency advice is given during installations. This, naturally, would apply to installation specialists.

The third category is the act of giving face to face information and advice on energy efficiency from a place other than the residence being considered for energy assessor compliance.

This would be most applicable to associations, consultants and other organizations that dispense help and advice at their own locations, at trade shows, seminars and other public presentations.

The fourth category, which a certified energy assessor may or may not fall into it, is advice and information that is provided in other than a face to face meeting. This would be given by phone, by snail mail, by e-mail, online, or through any other electronic device.

A domestic energy assessor would fall into category five of the code of practice for energy efficiency. This category is for those who dispense information and advice on the premises of the home being considered for compliance.

Author: James Copper

About Author:

James Copper is a part time writer for NCS, who offer energy training for those wishing to become a energy assessor.

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Skyrocket To First Place On The "Must Hire List" With A Powerful 'Post-Interview' Cover Letter!


You want to fill. How? By keeping communication open. Follow up every lead, contact, phone call, letter, or interview with a sizzling post-interview cover letter.


Remember the childhood game, "Follow the Leader?" Well, it's not just for kids. It's for adult job-seekers too! Think of the hiring manager as your leader. Follow him or her right into the position you want to fill. How? By keeping communication open. Follow up every lead, contact, phone call, letter, or interview with a sizzling post-interview cover letter that puts your name on the top of his or her list. FEW people stop and say in writing, 'thank you,' 'I appreciated meeting you,' 'I m grateful for the time you gave me today,' 'If I can provide further information, please let me know.'

But what a difference these few words can make, especially when hand-written and mailed directly to the hiring manager's attention. After all, he or she is a human being just like you, who likes to be remembered and acknowledged. Follow-up letters also show what kind of person you are-someone who is aware, available, and appreciative.

TWO chances to make a great first impression!

· Follow-up cover letters and resumes will land you more quality job interviews.

· Post-interview cover letters will increase your number of job offers.

You can follow up with a phone call, e-mail, or a Fax, but a personal note in your own hand is the most effective post-interview cover letter of all. Everyone likes to receive mail with his or her name hand-written on the envelope. That alone makes not only a first impression but a lasting one.

Here's a sample of a short post-interview cover letter that does the job:

Dear Hiring Manager:

I am very grateful for the time you gave me yesterday. It was a pleasure to meet you, and to have the chance to share why I believe I am well-qualified to step into the position of [fill in job opening title here]. After meeting with you, I'm even more excited about this opportunity. I look forward to hearing a positive response. Thank you again.

Sincerely yours,

Fred Follow-Up

So, whenever you complete a successful job interview with a company you'd like to work for, send a post-interview cover letter ASAP and watch your name soar to the top of the 'must hire list.

Author: Jimmy Sweeney

About Author:

Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the new, "Amazing Cover Letter Creator." Jimmy has written several career-related books and his unique articles are always a job-seeker favorite. Who else wants their phone ringing off the hook with more quality job interviews? Visit Jimmy on the web right now at for your 'instant' cover letter today.

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Network mlm

Jest Practices: Best Practices for Humor in the Workplace


Although humor in the workplace can have beneficial effects, yet not all humor is good humor. However the challenge is to interject appropriate humor & fun into our serious jobs without hurting others or seriously undermining the company.


Most agree that humor in the workplace can have beneficial effects. Yet not all humor is good humor. The challenge: how to interject appropriate humor and fun into our serious jobs without hurting others or seriously undermining the company. When used appropriately, humor can work for you.

Humor that Uploads Also Uplifts

Humor has the power to make people feel special. When you include people in fun it simultaneously improves morale, reduces stress and facilitates team building. With the prevalence of telecommuting and workgroups scattered geographically, the challenge of furthering working relationships, bonding and building camaraderie is real. At one San Francisco Bay Area company a workgroup staged an elaborate Remote Baby Shower. The expectant mother, who was out-of-state, called in for a pre-arranged conference call with her workgroup. When she did...surprise! Everyone was having a party in her honor. They uploaded digital photos of a decorated conference room and each other, and e-mailed sound files with well wishes. Everyone shared in the good cheer. This creative use of technology brought employees closer to each other, figuratively if not literally.

Humor That Brings People Together

Workplaces are full of opportunities to use humor for the benefit of all. Milestones are a natural place to employ humor. Dress like the recipient as a tribute during a surprise birthday party. Other celebrations to mark anniversaries, project completions or similar accomplishments are perfect opportunities to utilize humor. Even surviving certain projects is cause for celebration and fun.

Holidays are another natural time to employ humor. Halloween is a time for contests to see who can best decorate conference rooms; for other companies the anniversary of their founding is cause for celebration. Silly speeches, skits and spoofs abound.

And the Award Goes To...

Staging award ceremonies is a great way to have fun, recognize each other and revel in the shared work experience. Whether the categories mimic those found at the Oscars, Emmys or Tonys, or are derivative, esprit de corps rises when the team laughs at itself and each other. Best Supporting Actor, Best Impersonation of an Inanimate Object, Best Special Effects, Most Likely to Secede, or Lifetime Achievement Award.

Humor Is The Winning Ticket

Pranks can alternately be uplifting or uprooting. A desktop publisher, on April Fools Day, adorned his co-workers cars' windshields with mock yellow parking tickets, complete with envelopes for remittance. Upon closer inspection, these true-to-life replicas of tickets had whimsical offenses of significance to the recipients. The departmental joker's ticket cited him for "excessive use of farce" and the hard charging corporate counsel's infraction charged him with a "Failure to Yield." Of course the initiator of the gag was later cited for impersonating an officer. Everyone laughed at the spoof once they realized it was a joke. Judge Judy's signature at the bottom of the ticket gave it away.

Pole Position

A fast growing company didn't have enough office space for full cubicles for its new hires. One unfortunate hire's assigned cubicle had a giant pole in its midst. To her credit she never complained. Co-workers felt for her. One night they hit the streets, collecting various fliers from telephone poles in their neighborhoods. The next day when the new hire reached her cubicle, the offending pole was now covered with notices about missing pets, renters seeking apartments, cheap movers for hire and even local GRE study groups. Not only did the employee know her co-workers felt her frustration, it bonded them as well as they pulled together to help one of their own.

One Person's Humor is Another Person's Horror

When targeting humor consider targeting yourself. Everyone has a different idea of what's funny and what's not. Many a well intentioned prank or joke has backfired. One co-worker sent another a prank letter impersonating a local media figure. The recipient mistook it for real, interpreted it as harassment and called the FBI. Oops!

The Benefits of Self-Effacing Humor

When we make fun of ourselves it actually demonstrates our healthy outlook, showing we don't take ourselves so seriously. As a result, we're regarded as more approachable and down to earth. Don't make fun of yourself excessively. Such humor loses its effectiveness with overuse.

Everyone from politicians to CEOs to Southwest Airlines flight attendants use self-deprecating humor - humor that makes fun of themselves - to get people laughing at, and consequently with them. You can too.

While gallows humor may feel appropriate during layoffs and cutbacks, strive to employ humor that uplifts and taps universal themes for best results. Here's to laughter!

Author: Craig Harrison

About Author:

Since the age of eleven when he went door-to-door selling Used Jokes, Craig Harrison has been connecting with customers through humor. As a professional speaker and corporate trainer Craig Harrison's Expressions of Excellence provides sales and service solutions through speaking. Contact him at (888) 450-0664, through his website or via e-mail:

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Starting a dry cleaning business

Cost Cutting Tips For Brides


One of the biggest expenses of any wedding ceremonies and receptions is usually the florist. If you go with smaller, usually family owned florists, lots of times you'll find you can get a much better deal.


One of the biggest expenses of any wedding ceremonies and receptions is usually the florist. If you go with smaller, usually family owned florists, lots of times you'll find you can get a much better deal. A good place to start looking is the local market, where small florists often have booths or small shops set up.

Always use the term "family gathering" whenever possible in your search for wedding services and suppliers. For reasons unknown to brides everywhere, the price of the same product or service always seems to be about 50% higher for a "wedding" despite no other differences being readily apparent. This is almost always true for caterers.

Try to get a caterer who will let you supply the cake yourself. The cake tends to be the most expensive food item and you can almost always get something much less expensive (and something much better!) at your local bakery. Supermarkets can also be a smart place to look if your local supermarkets have their own bakeries.

Some brides actually forget about the caterer altogether. If you have several family members who are willing to help out and have a little culinary skill it's not too difficult to throw together a professional quality buffet. An important tip is to concentrate on cold foods such as rolled meats, cheeses, salads and even sandwiches or heros.

Take a look in all the the local department stores and bridal shops for clearance bridal gowns and bridesmaid dresses. You'd be surprised what you can find. There are some really good deals waiting to be had if you're a little flexible. For instance, did you know that the bridesmaids dresses don't all have to match? If you can put together a good theme, you can do anything you like and it will look great.

Also, don't forget to ask around. You never know when you'll discover that your cousin's boyfriend's uncle owns a catering business or a flower shop, and those types of connections can sometimes get you better deals than you'll find anywhere else.

Author: Michael Wangner

About Author:

Michael is a wedding consultant for an online retailer of wedding party gifts and cheap wedding favors. He just got married himself this past May.

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Small business administration gov

Getting Your Foot In The Door With Proper Marketing


One of the hardest things to take into consideration when it comes to home business is marketing. Finding the right way to let people know that you and your business are there is absolutely the most important aspect of the process. If you are to make a name for yourself, sell your products and earn an income, you must have the right tools in place to help you to make that happen.


Although it is hard to say what the specific tools will be that your business needs, there are some that you can count on. So, lets talk about home business marketing successfully.

Your goal will be to develop a marketing plan. Your plan will include several steps that you will take to market your business to the public. There are plenty of things that can be in your plan but what you need to think about are these questions.

Who is my customer? Here, think about what age group they are in, businesses that are potentially your customers and anyone else that may be in your range.

Where does my customer go? Will the customers be found at specific locations? If the business is online, as it most likely will be, what websites, forums and message boards will my customer be found?

What is going to turn my customer on to my service? What are their problems that you are solving? In other words, why do they need you?

Now, consider these elements in your business plan.

Step One: Your Website

Today, virtually anyone that is looking to make money from home needs to put together a website that is geared towards their target audience. You need others to be able to see your product, to learn about you, to see what it is that you are in providing. These are all things that your website will provide. What you need to take into consideration, here, is the way in which you design your website, so that it attracts your customers rather than pushing them away. Having a well designed, professional website is the key to success here.

Step Two: Telling Everyone You Are Here

Just designing your website is not enough. There are plenty of things that you will need to do to create a business that is fundamentally sound. You need to let the world know you are there. To do this, you will want to market your products and your website. Here are some ways to do just that.

Build a website that is filled with good content so that when people go to the internet and search for your product, they will come upon your website as it will be ranked well. Here, you will need to consider methods to making this happen, as you will find throughout the internet.

Work with programs like Adsense where you can place ads on other individuals websites that will bring them back to your site so that you can sell the product to them.

Use article directories that provide links back to your website from well written articles.

Market your website locally through taking out advertisements in papers, the yellow pages or through flyers and word of mouth advertising. You can even put an ad on your vehicles door.

Use things like blogs, message boards and forums to draw people into your website so that when they find out you are there, they keep coming back for even more.

Building your marketing plan means taking into consideration the things that will make your business sell. You may not realize just how much goes into designing a website and then marketing it, but when you work through the process, it can be one of the most gratifying things that you do. In addition, there is no doubt that marketing your business will lead you to success if done right.

Author: Jim Mack

About Author:

Jim Mack is a home business expert that is launching his ITV Ventures website in mid-May. To find out more visit Jim's blog at and visit the company website at These two home business leaders are ready to set the industry on fire. The ITV Ventures opportunity is setting the internet on Fire.

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Business contact manager 2.0

Advertising With the a Garage Sale Listing Service


Here you can find how to improve your Yard or Garage Sales Performance. We even can guarantee you to triple up your Yard or Garage Sales performance.


For your garage sale to be a successful one, you’ve got to make sure that you put in place all the necessary advertising requirements to reach all of the interested people. And one of these advertising mediums would be a listing service.

Here are examples of garage sale listing services you can utilize to make your garage sale a much anticipated one:

1. Local news paper listings. Your local newspaper will have a portion in it where you can place your ad or announcement for your upcoming garage sale. Important details like the date, the time, and the address where it is going to take place shouldn't be overlooked.

2. Magazine listings. Print magazines can also print your advertisement for you. Try to select a magazine which has a theme that comprises most of your items for sale. If for example, your items are composed mostly of antiques and furniture, try to advertise with a magazine within that premise.

3. Newsletter listings. There are certain newspapers that would gladly carry your print ad along. Try to check out which companies gives out newsletters within your area so that you can get to as many people as possible.

4. Internet listings. The internet is a very powerful tool. Not only you can advertise your garage sale for free, you can even upload your individual items, most probably the major ones. You can take a photo of your biggest and finest items and place them online. You are sure to get a lot of responses from interested buyers.

6. Radio Ad. Check out the radio stations servicing your area, especially the one that offers substantial discounts on event promotions and deals. Some stations can actually mention your garage sale on air for free. Or you can personally visit the radio station and promote your garage sale yourself.

5. Local TV ads. If you can afford it, why not buy air time for a short TV commercial for your garage sale? Usually, the shorter and the simpler the advertisement is, the lower the charge for it will be. Advertising with your local TV would only be advisable if you have high-ticket items, like electronics and furniture.

Advertising is really required if you intend to sell each and every item you've got in the garage sale. Think of a short, but attention-getting advertisement in each of the listing modes listed above. Your customers might even be asking when your next garage sale will be!

Author: Victor Tunggal Irawan

About Author:

Victor is a successful yard or garage sales practicer. He is the CEO of He can help people how to have a profitable yard or garage sales.

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Egold news

Get the Opportunities of Quality Education & Job Guarantee at Ica


Accounts as a Career is the most demanded & stable career along with ample growth opportunities, if educational qualification commensurate with proper training in the field of Accounts.


The change in the technology and corporate culture has added more glamour and importance to an accountant’s job. There are a number of institutes that are providing training to people in order to become Perfect Industrial Accountants. In today’s competitive environment, Employers do want to recruit people who are aware about the various accounting issues & they need not waste time on providing training to the candidates, who will leave once they get the experience. It is very important for one to have the various weapons (in terms of educational qualification & training) so that he can utilize the same for his promotion.

Today Companies are maintaining Accounts manually as well as computerized. It is important for one to be the master in both accounting manners. Only knowing FA packages will lead a person to become a Data Entry Operator, get promoted to a Junior Accountant & retire as a Junior Accountant. But if a person wants to be a Perfect Industrial Accountant then it is a must for him to know Accounts, Taxation, Excise & Service Tax, Payroll & Investments, and R.O.C Banking etc. This training should not only be theoretical but should also involve documentation & computerization. Today is the need of training with Practical Approach rather than bookish information. Implementation of the concepts in real life situations is very important rather than bookish knowledge

All that you need to get a good Accounting Job is thorough knowledge of Accounts along with a pleasing personality & good communication skills.

ICA strives continuously to make their students financially independent so that they can hold their head high. The objective is to give one earning member to each family & to serve the industries by producing professionals both in quality & in quantity.

ICA owes its success to three critical elements - Unique Testing Methods, Continuous Research & Development & an all India network of Centers & Placement Offices. To have a perfect Industrial Accounting Job, it is necessary to find an institute which trains professionally all the aspects of accounts with Job Guarantee.

Author: Sangita Anand

About Author:

About author:
Sangita Anand is the Web Admin of ICA Job To be one of the Professional Accountants please visit us at: or email your query to:

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egold news

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Advertising business model

How Software Programers Can Become Rich


Software programmers and developers can use their expertise to make themselves financially independent and even wealthy if they focus on helping solve problems for people. Many are forming their own software companies, called micro-ISVs.


Smart software developers are not worried about their jobs being outsourced to India or about being laid off when they're 30 years old.

Because they're the boss.

They're using their programming skills to solve problems, selling their software solutions online.

They're starting their own software companies, now called micro-ISVs.

Many high tech workers have shown a proclivity toward self-employment and entrepreneurialism -- dating back to the earliest days of Silicon Valley. And although the dot com craze of the late 1990s had Wall Street going ape over Internet companies that didn't make any profits . . . it was inspiring that a new generation of techies were looking to start their own companies rather than "just code" for someone else.

In the 1980s and 1990s, single programmers made some extra money (a lot of extra money in a few cases) by creating shareware programs. They uploaded their games, utilities and business applications to computer bulletin boards and, later, online services such as CompuServe.

Anyone could download the program and try it out. If you liked it, you were supposed to send some money to the developer. It was essentially a try before you buy system based on trust. No doubt many people took advantage of it, but since most people are honest, the creators of popular programs and games did prosper.

Now, many software developers are leaving their cubicles and once again starting their own companies. But they're not seeking money from venture capitalists or expecting to launch a Wall Street IPO (Initial Public Offering) a la Netscape 1995.

No, that business model failed.

Rather, they're going back to basic bootstrapping. Finding a need and then selling their software online -- with the advent of online payment processors, they now want your money before you can download the program.

Big Attic House Software, AutomatedQA, YesSoftware, DiFolders Software, Six Apart, Oryx Digital, Antair, Virtuoza, Fog Creek Software, Safari Software, Wildroot Software, Sunbelt Software, SourceGear and many more are all examples of this trend.

ISV is Microsoft-speak for Independent Sofware Vendor. "Micro" means it's one or two programmers in their underwear in their basement.

Promiment spokespeople include Jack Spolsky, Eric Sink and Bob Walsh.

Some of these new work-at-home CEOs prefer to be called simply start-up software companies.

No matter -- they're techie capitalists, and I applaud them.

If you'd like to join them, I must warn you that your success will depend on learning some very nontechie-like ways of thinking. Such as:

1. Pre-product Marketing.

Some micro-ISV writers urge you to find a problem to solve. That's a good start but not good enough. I add this -- Make sure it's a current problem. That is, don't create a program that will prevent a problem in the future. Make sure your prospects are currently suffering from their problem.

Also, make sure it's a problem people will pay substantial money to solve.

Ask people in your target prospect group what they would like to see included in the solution. What should your program do? What would make it most convenient and intuitive for them to use?

Ask lots of questions, both over the phone and online in discussion forums. Be up front. Tell people you're planning to come out with software that will do such and such, and you want to know how to make it the best possible. Most administrators will allow that because at this point you're not trying to sell something.

Do NOT develop a product just because you think it'd be "cool."

2. Listen to your prospects/customers and learn how to speak to them in ordinary English -- not techie-speak.

Many techies have a problem with this, as anyone who's ever called a help desk support line can attest to.

3. Once you have your product -- sell its benefits NOT its features.

Don't tell people the technical aspects. They don't care. Tell them what the software will do to benefit THEM.

4. Test your marketing. Change something. Then test it again.

Keep what works until you find something that works better. Then keep testing.

A successful company concentrates on developing products that customers want to buy.

Make your micro-ISV about your customers -- their needs, the marketing that will reach them, the vocabulary they understand and benefiting them with more and better products.

Do that, and you too will join the ranks of successful and financially free techie entrepreneurs.

Author: Richard Stooker

About Author:

c 2007 by Richard Stooker Learn why now is the best time to change to a computer career. Go to: Secrets of Changing to a Computer Career Latest news and immune info at: Bird Flu Updates

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advertising business model

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Print your own business card

Outsourcing is necessary to beat the competition


Outsourcing could help companies to grow exponentially in the competitive world environment.


Outsourcing has risen up in recent times due to increasing cost of production, labor cost, taxes and other many direct or indirect expenses. Since the economies of other developing countries are improving particularly that of Asian countries, European and U.S. companies are now looking for outsourcing their jobs to these nations to cut the costs.

Considering the cut-throat competition in almost all the businesses, it has now become necessary for established companies to outsource their time-consuming and labor intensive jobs to others so that they can concentrate more on areas of their core competencies. This way companies would consider more on marketing, expansion, takeovers and mergers.

However, finding the right one for outsourcing is also very important. Outsourcing companies should have well-qualified staff, carry great experience in handling overseas projects with minimal supervision and must deliver on time. Above all, such outsourcing companies should also be very cost-effective.

By outsourcing, companies should be able to rely on the services provided by outsourcing companies. Any imbalance in rising costs of outsourcing service providers will affect heavily on the organizations. Price factor should be static for long period and organizations lending outsourcing jobs should not foresee any immediate turmoil in agreed pricing. If these are taken care of then companies will be more competitive in their industries.

An organization will only be successful if it is very competitive and to be competitive, it must be able to cut its costs. Organization must try to cut costs to remain profitable. While outsourcing the job, any organization must do the thorough inquiry about the outsourcing company.

Following major points should be checked for outsourcing company.
- Infrastructure of the outsourcing company.
- Quality of workforce, its qualification and experience for the job.
- Whether outsourcing company has bagged any reputed quality certificate such as ISO 9000
- Capability of keeping trade secrets.
- Past records for successfully handling projects

If organization finds any such outsourcing which produces at very competitive costs, it will remain in industry to beat its competition.

Please do visit at KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) to get more information on outsourcing.

Author: Scott Naxton

About Author:

Scott Naxton is a freelance journalist having experience of many years writing articles and news releases on health, insurance, interneet businesses and many other public issues.

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print your own business card

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Low income housing

How To Find A High Income Business Opportunity That Suits Your Needs


In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.


In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.

With the internet continuously expanding, the potential is there for you to find a high income business opportunity. It is not so much about finding the jobs with potential as it is about your work ethic. If you are willing to put in the time and effort you will take advantage of your home business opportunity to the fullest and see a high income. So what exactly do you need to look for when seeking a high income business opportunity? The first step to finding a quality home business opportunity is deciding what you want to do.

There are plenty of options to choose from on the internet, so you have to decide what will interest you. By selecting a business you have interest in you will be more inclined to put in those extra hours and stay motivated to do whatever it takes to succeed. It may be work, but why shouldn't you have fun with a high income business opportunity.

The next step is to consider if your high income business opportunity has public interest. It is important that you are interested in your business, but it's much more vital that the people are interested. If you select something that nobody is interested in, how are you going to make money? Try and type in the theme of your business in a search engine and find out how many times it comes up. This will not only allow you to see how popular your home business opportunity is, but also how many competitors you have.

If you want to pick out a high income business opportunity with potential you must do research. Look into the company's background report and their previous years work. If you are starting your own business you need to look into what product you are going to sell. After determining that, find out how much the product costs, where you are going to get your inventory to sell, and how you will promote your business. These are basic things to know, but are crucial to you running your own business.

Those of you not familiar with the latest on high income business opportunities now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

Starting a high income business opportunity also involves you spending money to get it up and running. If you are just joining a company there will be little to no start up costs depending on the company. If you're starting the company, you have to look into expenses for marketing, exposure, possibly building a downline, the product and so on.

There are thousands of high income business opportunities out there; you just have to find witch one is best for you. If you do the necessary research and determine what interests you, you will have a better chance of finding something that works for you. The most important thing you need to know is that no home business opportunity you look into will make you a millionaire with little work effort. You must put in a lot of effort to get your home business opportunity up and running and then you will notice an income rise.

Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about high income business opportunities. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.

Author: Gaetane Ross

About Author:

Gaetane has thoroughly researched the Internet to locate the best High Income Business Opportunities that will enable you to start making money from your own home.

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low income housing

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Bisness name

How To Start Making Money By Taking and Selling Online Surveys


If you are eager to know how to start making money online, there's a decent and legitimate way to do this: You can take surveys...


If you are eager to know how to start making money online, there's a decent and legitimate way to do this: You can take surveys for which you get paid, or you can promote survey programs as an affiliate and make money by selling the service.

Hoards of new internet users wanting to know how to start making money online are turning to paid surveys as a good way to generate extra cash to sustain their businesses. Why are online surveys so popular?

For one thing, surveys don't demand a lot of time or work, by comparison with other more regular jobs. You don't have to leave the comforts of your home with the new online surveys being sent to you in a link via email. The convenience of it, not to mention the content of the surveys makes taking them fun!

Surveys are also popular because besides filling out a survey in a multiple choice type fashion, you also have the opportunity to participate in online or offline discussion groups if you want to learn how to start making even more money.

If you're not into discussing the products or other aspects of the survey, you may choose to conduct phone surveys, try new products for free, or provide your opinions after watching movie previews!

Survey taking isn't much like work, and that's why many are drawn to its simplicity and entertainment value. You can win prizes or cash, depending on the company you are working for.

If you want to, you can work harder and earn a full-time income, but most people choose to take surveys because they offer a little extra spending money to cover advertising costs for their online business.

There are some disadvantages to taking paid surveys online. One of them that I have noticed is that if you do own and operate a business already or have limited extra time, then taking the time to fill out surveys can be a bit of a burden and you end up not bothering to fill them out.

Another disadvantage in terms of time is that you have to sign up to quite a few different survey companies, wait for them to find a survey appropriate for you based on a profile you submit, and then submit many before you have a chance to get paid.

Also, many of the survey companies you sign up for are US-based, and only apply to those living in the USA. You have to watch for this, as there are other more internationally based survey companies, such as Canadian-specific companies.

If these become deterrents for you and you want to know how to start making money with surveys right now, then it's time for you to consider becoming an affiliate of the many survey programs that are offered out there.

Two excellent examples of survey programs that you can sign up for as an affiliate are Survey Scout and Survey Income System. When you sign up for these programs, they have a database already set up of companies that you can join. You don't have to find the companies yourself which would take you forever.

Then with your own unique affiliate ID, you can promote these survey programs and find out how to start making money fairly quickly whenever someone clicks your link and purchases the program.

This is a much easier and quicker way to start making money online than by taking the time to fill out the surveys themselves and wait for cash results, or other prizes - That is if you know how to promote your links!

This is entirely a personal preference, and you have to do what suits you, your time, and your energy, and do what makes you the most money. Testing a little of each to find what's right for you may be the thing to do.

If you really want to know how to start making money by taking and selling survey programs, then do a little research first. Weigh the pros and cons of each method, test the waters, and make an informed decision.

Author: Liane Bate

About Author:

Liane Bate owns a Plug-in Profit Site web business. Learn what you don't know about How To Start Making Money

Random related phrase:

bisness name

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Search business licenses

Stylise your Steps With Bronx Shoes


Footwear has endless manufacturers that make it difficult to choose the right product. Selecting a particular brand makes the task rather easy. The rising popularity of Bronx shoes says a lot about them and makes them worthy of a try.


Choosing a shoe that is comfortable, sturdy, and aesthetically pleasing becomes a bit of a challenge! It is mainly because of the availability of wide range of footwear in the market. A galaxy of manufacturers and brands are there. Each one claims to have the best product to offer. Some of them are really cute in look, elegant in design and reasonably priced. So, how can you get the best one out from among them all?

Finding out a particular brand that is reliable in all respect may be the simplest and the best way. Bronx shoes can be given a try in this regard. It has all types of footwear like boots, shoes, flats, stilettos and sandals in its collection. Stylish, sleek, sexy, smooth, smart, sturdy: a lot of attribution you can attach to them. Made with the best materials and designed by world famous designers, these shoes are getting popular very fast.

Bronx shoes are equally popular among Hollywood celebrities, upcoming models, juvenile college students and even curious kids. The highly rich collection of this hot brand has choices for everybody. Fashion-conscious consumers of over 40 countries across the globe are highly satisfied with these shoes. They not only buy footwear from this brand repeatedly but also recommend them to others.

Those who are looking for fashion-forward, European-inspired footwear, Bronx shoes can be an ideal choice. Sandals of this brand are very pretty to look at. Their cool look makes anybody fall in love with them at the first sight. Other boots and shoes are pretty as well as sturdy. A plethora of design in all its category of shoes is out there for both men and women.

Bronx shoes have variety not only in design but also in category. It covers street wears; club wears as well as work wears. If there is sandal with slim leather straps for delicate use then there is shoe with waterproof leather for rough use. With the availability of such a large variety of option in both design and quality, you can narrow down your search for footwear to a comfortable level, thanks to Bronx shoes.

Author: Dalia Justine

About Author:

Dalia Justine is a renowned fashion writer who has made her mark in the industry through her write-ups on the latest fashion trends and style. She is currently associated with; an exclusive online shopping portal for various kinds of shoes for different occasions such as crocs, Bronx Shoes, Skechers Shoes, DC Shoes and many more.

Random related phrase:

search business licenses

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Business card printing san diego

Discounts 24 Hrs


Discover the hottest new site for discounts that was built with adults in mind.


Discounts 24 Hrs

With the cost of living going up, gas prices skyrocketing, and people losing jobs,etc. the need for assistance and direction became evident. Just For Discounts an online super site was born.

A few years ago while surfing the web for job assistance an idea was born to create a true one stop site just for adults only. Realizing how vast the internet is and how overwhelming it can be for the average individual with limited time,the creator of Just For Discounts at set out to build a major marketplace that would be simple in design but helpful. The idea of streaming the basic needs of the common surfer at times proved to be extremely demanding.

To build a site of this magnitude one must find out what the people want. Questionnaires were sent randomly to ages that ranged from 18 and above. Many agreed that there were many online shopping,travel, and entertainment deals but they didn't know where to look. The need for services and direction was the other request. A large majority of the public uses the internet as a source of information.

Just For Discounts brought in not only the hottest companies and services,but offered many smaller shops and business services an opportunity to be located on one site. One of the largest online job search sites was built as well. Just For Discounts was to stay in tuned to the needs of the time and people. Saving the people money and time is the overall concern of the staff of Just For Discounts who scoured the web daily looking for the best internet deals available to provide.

The idea was to create a place where not having money wasn't always an option .The theme of the site reflects that of a fun marketplace , therefore there are plenty of free games, entertainment , and even one of the best dating sections for adults. Just For Discounts brought in over 7000 top retailers and services with the idea to help provide a true one stop experience for the public.

Author: Gabby Laine

About Author:

Gabby is responsible for many job reviews, websites, and observations. Discover many of the sites that received great reviews at ,, and .

Random related phrase:

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Women business grants

11 Reason why you should not park at directly at the airport


Travel means taking parking decisions. There are many options you could park at the airport lot or at car parking facilities situated near the airport.


Travel means taking parking decisions. There are many options you could park at the airport lot or at car parking facilities situated near the airport. Airport parking means searching, often moving from one full lot to another, or commuting to the terminal by a shuttle from the other end of the airport, and paying a parking fee that may be more than the cost of your air ticket. The experience could make you want to tear your hair out.

Parking at the airport would mean:

  1. Starting out early to reach the airport at least an hour before reporting time as many a time a parking spot many not be immediately available and you may have to drive around quite a bit before finding a place.

  2. Carrying luggage from the car to the airport itself or to the shuttle service.

  3. Budgeting for settling the short term or long term parking costs. Airport parking can prove to be more expensive than you thought. At many airports the rates for parking vary from day to day and during peak season. Often you may need to pay as much as $ 150 for parking for five days. Economy parking is hardly ever available and you may have no choice except the more expensive lots.

  4. Finding all lots full and having to make a dash for private parking facilities at the last moment. This could delay getting to your gate in time.

  5. During holidays, rush hours, and travel seasons there could be a great jam or arriving and departing cars all making a bee line for the gate house or token counter. The chaos is compounded by long queues at every gate and at the security and this could mean a 400 yard or more dash to the gate carrying your mound of luggage.

  6. Security measures instituted with little or no notice can spoil even the best made plans. A rule like no parking within a distance of 300 m could mean that you will have to park a great distance away. And due to alerts there can be random security checks of all entering vehicles leading to considerable delays. The traffic will not just slow down to a crawl but many of the closely located short-term spaces will be shut down.

  7. Due to repairs and construction work often unanticipated detours need to be made while trying to access airport lots.

  8. The car park may be located at a great distance from your terminal and if you are not in the know, you may choose to park diagonally opposite to the terminal.

  9. Valet parking is not a free service; one will have to pay to have the car parked to save you valuable time.

  10. Many trolleys only function on feeding in a coin. Even if the coin is refunded later it just means remembering to take along a coin of the right domination.

  11. The large volume of passengers at any given time at busy airports just means that the transfer buses are not just overcrowded but slow and uncomfortable with people and their luggage jostling for space.

Why board a plane angry, tired, and frustrated. As a modern traveler there are many conveniences you can opt for. Parking at off-airport lots, is organized and hassle free. Even if the lots are some distance away the conveniences are such that it would be a time and money saving decision.

Author: Paul Wilson

About Author:

Paul Wilson is a freelance writer for Airport Parking Discussion , the premier REVENUE SHARING discussion forum for Airport Parking including topics on secured parking, gate parking, discounted parking, traveling and more. He also freelances for the premier Airport Parking Site Best Airport Parking .

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Busness week

Certificates of Ownership Could Prove To Be Invaluable When Disaster Strikes


After a major disaster - How do you prove you actually owned the expensive household items that you place on your insurance claim forms? "Certificates Of Ownership" could prove to be very helpful.


Hurricane Katrina was the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. No one is really sure whether the loss of life and property will ever be able to be summed up. One website (with unique security capabilities) is however proud that it has been able to help many of the survivors in getting restitution for property that was devastated during this mammoth storm.

Prior to Katrina, the designers of had incorporated a new feature into their Internet software that allowed homeowners to document valuable items in the home through the use of their "Certificates Of Ownership". These certificates and the general operation of the website encourage you to take pictures of important personal property that occupies your home and to upload those images (along with descriptive text and estimated values) to a central server that encrypts and stores the information for later retrieval.

The combined data and uploaded material are "locked" into the system and can not be edited after 24 hours has passed from original data input. This feature as well as other security procedures go a long way in protecting the integrity and authenticity of the certificate. In the event of an emergency such as a hurricane, flood, fire, tornado etc., the certificates can be viewed by appropriate authorities such as insurance personnel to verify the "prior" ownership of said items. Insurance companies in particular tend to take a very dim view of reported loss of very expensive items when the owner has no way of proving that they owned the items in the first place.

At first glance, one might say, well what about receipts. The problem with that approach is that during the course of a major disaster, you not only may have lost your receipts but you may have lost your entire house. Having a virtual offsite warehouse that can store and document your ownership can prove to be priceless, as you may see in the following story.

Mrs Robinson (real name withheld to protect privacy) of New Orleans enjoyed using computers because she spent a lot of time on the Internet. She was not from the area originally but she and her husband lived their nearly 12 years. One of her favorite activities was to upload pictures so that her out of state relatives could see some of the things that were important in her life. She had often used the website to store her personal images and when the site offered the ability to use its "Certificates of Ownership", Mrs Robinson acted quickly because it seemed like a wise thing to do. She never had thoughts about a major disaster such as Katrina but she was aware of robberies and other negative events in her neighborhood.

When the storm hit, Mrs Robinson lost everything. Her recovery was plagued by one disappointment after another. She did however write to to tell them how valuable her membership was for recovering not only personal pictures and information but also for dealing with insurance companies and other agencies. She had previously documented so much of her possessions especially with the use of the "Certificates of Ownership" it proved to be the only physical proof of her previous belongings. Her insurance agent was aware of this type of proof and it helped her to recover financially while many of her friends and neighbors were still battling with the insurance companies who were trying to defend themselves against fraudulent claims.

The website ( is a subscription/membership site and includes a host of other privacy and protection functions, all for a modest $5 a month (less when paid yearly). A thirty (30) day, no obligation free trial is available to new members.

Author: Tom Williams

About Author:

Mr Williams is a programmer and database engineer. He has developed a number of websites and software projects. Many of his projects deal with security and Internet protection schemas. Currently working on a major website located at which is a membership site and one in which individuals can create/store a number of private materials and information in one central location.

Random related phrase:

busness week

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Putting Together the Performance Puzzle


Managing performance isn’t easy and it doesn’t just happen by accident. It can be a difficult puzzle, made up of several vital pieces. If just one piece is missing from your performance puzzle, your organisation may struggle with performance. If more than a few are missing, your organisation could be heading for trouble! Managing people and performance is tough, complex and a major issue for some organisations. Some managers never quite get it right and the cause of most performance problems is ineffective management. In order for people to perform well, managers must be courageous, committed and capable of completing the performance puzzle.


Let’s start with a few facts about managing performance:
 isn’t easy
 it doesn’t just happen by accident.
 it can be a difficult puzzle, made up of several vital pieces.

If just one piece is missing from your performance puzzle, your organisation may struggle with performance. If more than a few are missing, your organisation could be heading for trouble!

Managing people and performance is tough, complex and a major issue for some organisations. Some managers never quite get it right and the cause of most performance problems is ineffective management. In order for people to perform well, managers must be courageous, committed and capable of completing the performance puzzle.

We’ve all done puzzles haven’t we? The first thing that most people do is look at the picture on the box. Then we carefully and painstakingly sort through the pieces, keeping a watchful eye on the picture, placing them where they fit. And there’s nothing worse than getting to the end of a puzzle to find one, or more pieces are missing!

What a disappointment! What an imperfect picture.

Well guess what? Solving the Performance Puzzle is exactly the same!

Does your organisation have a clear picture of what performance looks like? Does it have all the pieces? Can your managers complete it?

Like any puzzle, the pieces themselves are all very simple. Of course people know what to do and how to do it! Of course they know what’s expected of them and have clear objectives? But do they? Ask yourself if these things are in place in your organisation. Are your managers capable of putting all of these pieces in place and completing the performance puzzle?

Let’s take a closer look at each piece of the puzzle and consider the implications if this piece is missing for you.

People don’t know what to do
Don’t assume that, just because people have a job description or have been with you for some time, they really know what they should be doing.

Employees can drift into tasks that they think are relevant to their job or that they prefer to do. It’s easy to lose sight of the exact requirements of the job or the way that business is changing. Busy managers rarely stop to check that what people are doing is still relevant.

The solution
Line managers need to take stock of how the organisation is operating, what systems and procedures are in place and what tasks are required to support the business.

Undertake regular review of the work that is being done by individuals and in teams. Replace tasks that are no longer helpful to the business with new ones that support it. Most important - keep employees informed so that they know exactly what to do!

They don’t know how to do it
Good induction, on the job training and regular review of performance are key to ensuring that people have the knowledge and skills to do their work.

Change is constant, customers demand more and technology races before us, all affecting the way we work.

Sadly, many managers fail to keep pace and people struggle with gaps in their knowledge and underdeveloped skills.

The solution
Good managers constantly assess the learning and development needs of their staff, closing gaps in performance and providing appropriate training and guidance.

Great managers coach and mentor their people to reach their full potential and achieve higher levels of performance.

All managers need to pay attention to the needs of individuals and teams and make certain that people know how to do it!

They don’t know what’s expected of them
Knowing what to do and how to do it is the cornerstone of good performance
but it doesn’t end there.

Do your people know what standards they are expected to meet? What do you want from them in terms of quantity, quality, output, behaviour, teamwork?

Many employees fall short of expectations because no-one remembers to tell them exactly what is expected of them!

The solution
Clearly describe the performance standards that people should be aiming for. Discuss these with employees, involve them in setting the standards, define how performance against the standards will be measured.

If gaps appear from time to time between actual performance and what is expected, tackle it early, constructively, positively, working towards continuous improvement in partnership with employees.

They don’t have clear objectives
We all have different skills, talents, strengths and weaknesses. Without SMART objectives that develop us as individuals, many opportunities for improved performance are lost.

Mediocre results, average achievements, unamazing performance can all be totally turned around when people work towards clear objectives. No goals, no aims, no aspirations – no chance of great performance then!

The solution
Managers can help employees to learn, grow, develop, improve and unleash their true potential through working with them to set clear objectives.

Managers as coaches really do make the difference, stretching and developing people in line with the organisation’s values and business aims.

Individuals and teams can achieve incredible results when they are coached towards clear, focused goals.

There is no shared understanding
Often, people at the front line of the organisation are vague about the strategic aims, the business priorities, the real contribution that they make.

Without a shared understanding of the business between managers and staff, senior executives and front line troops, people are kept in the dark. Those who are kept in the dark, become afraid of the dark. Lack of understanding creates confusion and mistrust.

The solution
People feel part of the business when managers share information and create understanding about what is happening, what lies ahead, what needs to change.

When employees are fully aware of the strategic plans, business priorities and how the organisation is doing they take pride in the contribution that they are making.

Good managers create clarity and build trust through shared understanding with their people.

There is no 2 way communication
People need information, confirmation and an opportunity for participation. Lack of communication leads to suspicion, anxiety and an unhealthy grapevine!

Poor communication, failing to keep people abreast of what is happening in the business or the challenges that lie ahead is a recipe for ill feeling and, inevitably, low levels of performance. If people feel excluded from the business, why should they be motivated to contribute?

The solution
Communication that flows up and down and from side to side of the organisation is the oil that keeps the business machine constantly and productively turning.

Employee views count for a lot. Who else is closest to the customer? Involving people in decision making, problem solving and having regular conversations about the business creates ownership and commitment to the organisation.

Great managers know - it’s good to talk!

People don’t get regular feedback
“How am I doing?” is one of the most common questions that people have about their work. If they don’t know how they are performing, how can they possibly do better or make changes in their behaviour?

Many managers are afraid of giving feedback, especially where there is poor performance, and avoid it at all costs. The problem is that failing to give feedback has the greatest cost of all to the organisation – the risk of endemic poor performance!

The solution
It’s really very simple. Managers who give feedback to their people on a regular basis get better results. When people know that they are doing a good job they take pride in their work and feel that they contribute.

Poor performance can be turned around and transformed through constructive feedback and careful coaching. Managers need to work in partnership with their people to help them learn, develop new skills, improve performance and unlock the potential within.

Their work is not recognised and rewarded
For most people, beyond their monthly salary, reward and recognition for their work is rare.

How often do they get told “well done” or “fantastic result” or “thanks for a great job”? We all feel bad when our efforts go unnoticed or there is no acknowledgement of the hard work that has been done. Do your managers ever find the time to show their appreciation of the results that people achieve for the organisation?

The solution
Looking for ways to encourage, praise, give rewards and recognise good performance presses the “Want To” button for most employees. When people feel valued and appreciated they are motivated and committed to the organisation.

Managers who take time out to engage with individuals and teams, to give praise and celebrate success see real progress. Performance can be lifted to the highest level when people feel respected and well regarded for what they do.

People are not given control and responsibility
Performance is no longer a rigid process full of control and command. Sadly, many managers cannot relinquish control of the task and let go of the reigns.

People who are driven and pushed, told and marshalled may perform up to or even below contract. In order for people to perform above and beyond contract they need to be given opportunities to take responsibility for themselves and the way they do their work.

The solution
Performance should be owned by managers and employees. When people own the task and make it theirs they put in greater effort and strive to do their best.

Managers who give freedom, control empowerment and responsibility to their people create the perfect opportunity for optimum performance.

Coaching people to take full responsibility for their own performance is a key task for managers.

And finally
How many pieces do you think are missing from the performance puzzle
in your organisation? Maybe you have all the pieces but your managers lack the skills and capabilities to put them all in place? Start now to identify the missing pieces and work on the solutions.

Author: Jan Springthorpe

About Author:

Contact our highly experienced, professional management development team at to find out how we can help you to transform performance in your organisation

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