Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shop business casual

How to Honestly Get Rich Beyond your Limitation


Kingsley lifu, is an internet health care security consultant, and a distributor of for-ever living health care, nutritional, skin, beauty care, weight management and food supplement product, www.healthcaresecurity.blospot.com (www.foreverliving.com) with I D number 234-000-742-290, also a writer on how to get rich beyond your limitation, www.gettingrichesbeyondlimit.blogspot.com


kingsley lifu



While the poor work for money
The rich make money work for them!
You are the source of this wealth
And you sure can make it beyond your limit.


You can never get rich beyond your limit working for some one.

That’s right! I am going to tell you a fool-proof way to get rich. If you do what I will be setting down in the next few paragraphs, you will become richer beyond your limit, because your are limited from getting richer!

Just ease back in your comfortable chair and relax. As you begin to read these words on your screen, you’re starting to imagine your profit first slowly, then exponentially increasing to the point that you can afford anything you want. As you continue to view these mental scenes your curiosity begins to grow with your reading. You came to this website for a purpose and the purpose is to effortlessly transform your fortune with leveraged and unprecedented rapidity.

Notice that you work every day, every week, and every year. Now, here comes the most critical fact: THE TRULY RICH DON’T WORK AT ALL! If you work and are not rich, and they don’t work and are rich, what’s the answer? That’s right- you did the work but they got the money! Who’s asking you not to be dedicated at your work anymore? (If you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another’s who will give you that which is your own? – Luke 16:12) I am simply saying be dedicated, but do not become a big risk to yourself and family”. Understand that it is business and that your employer will replace you as soon as he finds a cheaper or more effective replacement. You’ve got to operate multiple streams of steady income. That’s the only way to guarantee your financial security all the time.

It doesn’t matter what you do for a living now, whether you work in a plant, drive a truck, punch data into a PC, or whatever. You can get rich with the same formula thousands of other people have used to become fabulously wealthy. Understand here and now that this is no gimmick. This is not some shady real-estate scheme or a hot tip on stock market or lotto. The rich make money in the stock market and with real estate, but only after they’ve already become rich. And if you are lucky perhaps, win lotto.

Before I tell how to get rich, let me tell you why you are not rich now. It is import ant that you know this, so don’t skip this and go to the “how to” part. In order to understand “how to”, you’ve got to know why. So go along with me step by step and envision yourself as the worker in this example:
If you can make 3 fishing reels an hour and each reel has a value of, say, $20, you are producing a value of $60 per hour. In the first 2 hour 40 minutes of each day you have produced probably $110 of value. That’s fine! But you are getting paid $110 for the day and you’re still got 5 hour and 20 minutes to work producing fishing reels for which you will not get paid
If you have produced $110 worth of product in the first 2 hours 40 minutes, and you’re paid $110 for 8 hours of work, where does the value of the other 5 hour 20 minutes go? You are donating those hours of your labor every day to some one else wealth base. And wealth base in the correct word.
Imagine now that you’ve found several hundred or even thousand workers who are each donating 5 to 6 hours per day to your income. Think about the thousand of dollars you would be raking in daily!

This is not a fantasy. This is real life. There are people around you doing it right now. And we, the worker, are here toiling away day after day, year after year, to keep them in the Rolls Royce. In biology books they’re identified as parasites. In America they’re called privileged. So if you think you can not make YOURSELF rich, think about how many OTHER PEOPLE you’ve already made rich and currently making richer.

So if you have any idea, to be truly enriched from it, you have to be able to reduce it to processes that can be replicated and executed to multiply or leverage your capability as well as run auto piloted without your interfering. Call it division of labor, mechanization, automation; economies of scale of what have you- that is the principle of the talent in action
So now you know how to become a millionaire. If, however, you lack the essential qualities of great ambitions, greed, callousness or cruelty, you have two other choices. You can continue to work without protest while the wealth you produce only enrich other or you can work toward eliminating yourself from a system that allows parasites to live off your sweat, labor and anguish without rewarding you appropriately.

Now that you know how the rich get rich,
Perhaps you don’t want to be one of them after all.
What if you can live in a new society where everyone’s life can be
Yes you can!
Set before you are blessing and curses. Choose life and live-Deut 29:30

It’s high time you rule your destiny and your best is to use an automated system design to help you do 98% of the work and send you all the profits. You’re working in a factory making fishing reels (it could be anything, but we’ll use reels as an example). You’re paid $20 an hour for an 8-hour day, 40-hour week or $800 per week. $20 an hour is the most you can get. So if you want to make more money, you have to work more hours.
Let’s say you take a second job, at $10 per hour, and you work an additional four hours each day. Now you’re making. $1000 per week. The only way you can make more money than that is to work more hours, but working more hours doesn’t make you rich, just dead.
Sure, you’re making more money than you were before, but you still can’t stop working and go lie on the beach for the rest of your life. Why not? Because as soon as you stop working, the paychecks stop. Besides, $1000 a week isn’t going to make you rich.

Yes! I will show you the strategy of the very wealthy
In the next few minutes I will show you what the
Wealthy does not want you to know,
What they are doing to you and how to build unimaginable wealthy and become
VERY RICH in the next few months, not years!

As a working man or woman, you are to how much money you can make by the number of hour you are to work. If you never had to sleep and never stopped to eat and work every available hour in the week, you would still not get rich; I mean the way the ultra-wealthy are rich.

Well, now we get to the “how to do it” part. In order to make more money you have to do one very simple thing, you have to have someone else work who will give you a portion of the money they earn (matt. 25:25- principle of parable of the talent). Once you have done this, your income is no longer restricted to the number of hours in a week. Bill Gate doesn’t write programs neither does Michael Dell design nor assembles computers. Same with millions of wealthy people around the world. Hundreds and thousands of dedicated and talented people like you do all the real work on their behalf. If you can get 2 or 10 0r 20 or more people to donate what the earn in 20 or 30 hours of their work each week to you, YOUR INCOME WILL SOAR INTO THE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS A DAY. Now you’re ready to go shopping for that car, bride or house.

Don’t scoff at this and condemn it as a stupid idea. If you bear with me further, I will show you that this is the way rich people got rich and the same way they stay rich. And if you don’t believe it can be done prepare yourself for a shock, because I am about to tell you one hard, cold, fact that you’re not going to like, and that fact is this:

THE RICH ARE DOING THIS TO YOU NOW. They’ve had you donating hours of your work to them every day for as you’ve been working! And that is why we are working poor and they’re the idle rich. All right, you said, prove it! Ok, follow along. We are going to continue with the fishing reels, but it doesn’t matter if you are cutting meat, welding steel, typing letters or put on a big coat everyday this example applies to you.

Even 90% of people in North America earn less than $40,000 a year (slightly about minimum wage by their economic standard), and today’s two- income families are not living as well as their parents. Right at this moment, more than 20 million people worldwide have taken control of their future and are involve in multi-level marketing. Together, they distribute more than one hundred billion dollar’s worth of product every year. Multi-level marketing is a remarkably powerful equal-opportunity concept, a supper fast tract system for building wealth, it requires no special talent or training, and there is no limit to how much wealth you can build. Multi-level marketing will be the ideal partway for you to achieve the lifestyle you envision. Million of people just like you are looking for a batter way to make a living … to supplement or even replace their current income… to become financially independent… and to have more free time with their loved ones. How about you? Are you looking for more out of life? More abundance and prosperity? More satisfaction from your work? Are you making enough money? Does your family need more income to feel secure? Do you find yourself working too hard or too long just to make ends meets? Do you want more out of life, than just a job and a paycheck? Truly you can actually get paid to tell other about a product you use personally every month… a product you honesty endorse, from a company you trust and respect like forever living product, www.foreverliving.com . CONSUMABLE products like, health, nutritional, skin, food supplement, beauty care and weight management.
You can tape into your own share of the product from purchasing power of hundreds or even thousands of customers worldwide. You can claim your share of the profits on products that people need and use every month. This breakthrough wealth-building network system is called multi-level marketing. It’s about people working together, assisting each other to succeed beyond their wildest dreams and it the fasted growing, most explosive and exciting income opportunity in the world. Why? Because multi-level marketing enables you earn a monthly residual income resource that can continue to pay you for the rest of your life. And because it’s a more efficient way for businesses to attract and retain customers. Instead of paying for expensive advertising salespeople, and shopping centers, network marketing company like forever-living product, simply reward their customers for discovering new customers. This revolutionary new method o doing business saves the company money, thereby making it possible for the company to reword customers sharing information about the good and benefit of their product. With multi-level marketing, each customer can earn a percentage of revenue generated by other customers. If you can send out personal e-mail messages with links to a web presentation like this one, then you can make money in referring through network marketing. The more e-mail addresses you collect and send a web presentation to, the faster and larger your customer network can develop. The essence of multi-level marketing is people helping people. I will show you how to build and develop a larger customer network base of distributors from the comfort of your home using your computer. With a minimal investment of just a few minutes a day for at least one year, you can build a source of income that will gradually replace your current paycheck. And you don’t need any special talent or training. All you need to achieve your dream is patience, persistence, and a sincere desire to help others, is about helping others. Anyone, regardless of education, occupational background, age or experience, can be successful in multi-level marketing, and I will show you how to do this. The benefit with multi-level marketing is enormous as you can attain financial security and economic independence. You can enjoy more time for yourself and family.

You can receive an income that continues to pay you month after month, despite inflation, recession, or unemployment. Because once you establish your customer network, they will continue to buy every month without being sold… just as you do. That means you can actually retire early on the income from your customer network. And you will have time and money to do what you enjoy most. If you want to play golf or relax on the beach, or go fishing every day or make your community a better place to live, or enjoy your favorite hobbies, or travel around the world, or just be at home during those important years while your children are growing up, you can. Because you will have a resource of regular monthly income from multi-level marketing. Multi-level marketing can enable you to achieve the result you envision, and attain the lifestyle your family deserves. With multi-level marketing, you can size your vision of the future and transform it into reality. The economics j. Paul Getty once said that he would rather be into reality 1% on the effort of a hundred people that 100% on the effort of only one. That’s the secret of building a fortune with multi-level marketing. Here’s an example of how it works: Let’s say that with my help, you acquire ten customers of your own within your first ninety days. In the next ninety days, your customers, not you will help each of theirs to do the same. By the end of your first year, you will have 10,000 customers in your network... only ten of which you acquire personally. Of course, some of your customers may acquire fewer than ten customers, while others may acquire many MORE. Now let’s say that your average customer purchases jus $100 to keep it simple. Those10, 000 customers, averaging just $100 each in regular monthly purchases, would generate $1000000 in total revenue every month. And let’s assume that your share of that revenue would average 5%. Your actual share will vary, depending on the particular product, the number of customers in your network and your distributors’ level in forever living product. But at 5%, your monthly income will be $50,000. That’s $50,000 a month just for connecting with others telling them about health, nutritional, skin, beauty care and weight management product from forever living product you use and enjoy, helping them to do the same. That’s how multi-level marketing works. It’s really just that simple and clear. The comparison looks around and compares multi-level marketing with any other business model or monthly income opportunity available today. With little or no up-front investment or expense, you can earn s few hundred dollars or a few thousand dollars every month, depending on how many customers you can acquire through your own efforts and how many they can acquire with help. You can choose to work a few hours a day, or a few hours a week. With multi-level marketing you have no manager to report to, set schedule, and daily commute. And after you’ve developed your network of customer distributor’s base, you can continue to earn residual income month after month…. Even In months when you’re NOT acquiring any new customer. Compare these benefits with typical employment, professional career, a small business, or franchise opportunity. There’s nothing else like it! Forever living product has the best network marketing plan and they are offering you this opportunity into becoming their product distributor in your area. Join me and I will assist you as your up-line in anyway to build your customers distributor’s network base. Go to www.foreverliving.com locate the company in your country or nearby country to register. When registering, put my I D number 234-000-742-290 in the referral or sponsor column. After registering, buy product worth $450 and you will automatically start earning from any of your down line.

Author: kingsley lifu

About Author:

Kingsley lifu, is an internet health care security consultant, and a distributor of for-ever living health care, nutritional, skin, beauty care, weight management and food supplement product, www.healthcaresecurity.blospot.com (www.foreverliving.com) with I D number 234-000-742-290, also a writer on how to get rich beyond your limitation, www.gettingrichesbeyondlimit.blogspot.com

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