Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Business development institute

Copywriting Tips for Daycare Business Owners


Tips on copywriting for daycare business owners using the AIDA principle.


Copywriting can seem overwhelming for some. Some do not even know how to begin. Here are a few tips to make it a little easier.

Before you begin your copywriting, here’s what you should do.

First, take a piece of paper and list down what you think are the needs and wants of the parents are. It’ll probably be somewhere along the lines of a trustworthy caregiver to care for their child or a daycare centre that is near their house, a clean and hygienic daycare centre or even a daycare centre that is affordable. We’ll call this List A

With that in mind, list down the things / services that you possess which you think will be able to meet those needs and wants. For example, a good track record or it is a new centre or you offer the lowest rates in the neighborhood. That will provide you with the foundation to start your draft. We’ll call this List B.

Traditionally, advertisers use the AIDA (stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) model as a guide to generate highly successful advertisement copy. It is fairly simple, once you get the hang of it.

“A” stand for Attention. There should be an element in the copy whose job is to capture the audience’s attention. It usually is the headline or a photo/graphic. It should be arresting and should entice the potential parent to want to read more. The headline can be anything which you think will capture the attention of the reader. It can be in the form of a statement or a question. For example, you can use “The cheapest daycare charges in Town A” as a headline or “Are you looking for a cheap and reliable daycare centre?

"On the average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. It follows that, unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money." David Oglivy

Therefore a headline is extremely important.

“I” stands for Interest. The copy of the advertisement should aim to generate the audience’s interest. It should address their concerns / needs or provide them with a solution to a problem, using the information gathered from List A as well as List B.

“D” is for Desire. The next step is to get them to “buy” into your idea / product and really want the product. There should be a hook / bait such as testimonials, free gift, or even a time based discount etc.

The final and most important step - Action. Many advertisements miss this out. After telling your audience how your company is going to solve their problems, you need to tell them what to do next. Do you want them to call a hotline to make an appointment or come down to see your open house or bring this advertisement for a free gift. Don’t leave them hanging. Close the copy by telling them what to do.

Good luck and happy writing!

Author: Seraphina Tan

About Author:

For more essential information and resources on starting a daycare business, please visit www.setupadaycare.com.

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