Saturday, March 1, 2008

Making money on internet

How to Make Money from Home, the Practicalities


Learn how to make money from home by actually getting around to a work at home job.


Often the question how to make money from home is met with some standard answers: take up a work at home job or a work from home computer job or research some online business ideas. Taking up a work based job involves 'working long hours' for the work at home job.

It sounds very comfortable. No traveling, No creches for your children, no unreliable help, and most importantly, the flexibility a home based job offers. But don't get carried away. The above mentioned advantages also serve as hurdles to the smooth work from home job and work at home computer job. The result is a drop in your capacity to make money at home.

Mostly, women with families prefer a home based job to make money at home. But her role as homemaker tends to distract her. She has to attend to the small errands, fulfill social obligations, and also undertake the routine chores as she is always at home.

What is conveniently forgotten by all and sundry is the hours she has to devote to her work from home job, so that she can make money at home. Most 'how to make money from home' articles fail to highlight these points. The result is a harried housewife, a negligent mother, and an incompetent worker.

Let us see how professionals who excel in working from home jobs manage to strike a balance and make money at home.

Learn To Deal with Interruptions When Working At a Work At Home Job
Devote exclusive time for your home job. Make a time table and stick to it. Let everyone in the family know the work schedule. Make it clear that no interruptions will be tolerated in the time you have devoted to your working from home carrier.

Explain to children that in order to make money at home certain adjustments are necessary.

Often time is wasted attending personal calls and impromptu call-ins by friends or neighbors. Be firm. If you have to answer the phone yourself, tell them you are busy with your home based business. Give them a convenient time to call up or tell them you will get back later and hang up the phone.

Diplomatically discourage friends and relatives from dropping in whenever they feel like by telling the about the strict schedule of your home based business. If a schedule is interrupted due to unavoidable reasons, make it up by putting in extra hours to meet your professional obligations so that you can make money at home.

Don't let your family members take your work for granted. Remind them that a working at home is as important as a normal one. Get all the members to pitch in with their share of house work so that you have enough time to devote to your work from home carrier. Ultimately it is because of the job that you make money at home.

Special Skills are Required For a Work at Home Computer Job
If you have opted for a work at home computer job, in addition to unsolicited phone calls and uninvited guests, you have to deal with chat invites and online messages. Since work from home computer jobs generally require that you have to be online, opt for chat programs like Yahoo or MSN Messenger that give you the option of being invisible.

This generally saves you from chat invites so that you can devote more time to work productively on your home based computer job.

Always use separate email ids for personal and business use. Don't check personal emails during the time you are working at your home based computer job. Resist the temptation to browse the net for that recipe you wanted to try out.

You might think it will take only a minute only to realize later that you have wasted a good one hour for work that was not connected in anyway to your work at home computer job.

Handle Distractions with Care to Make Money At Home
Before you read a 'how to make money from home' article and decide to embark on a working from home computer job to make money at home, analyze your strengths. Only if you feel that you have the capability to work from home without getting distracted should you opt for a work at home job or a work at home computer job. It is not about how to make money from home.

It is about how to create an office atmosphere at home without allowing your family responsibilities to distract you. It is no easy task. Willpower, hard work, and a supportive family are pre-requisites. If you still feel that if you have it in you, then good luck and welcome to the world of work at home job opportunities.

Author: Dassana Jayalath

About Author:

Dassana Jayalath is the editor of InternetBizIQ newsletter. Visit to get more information on online internet business opportunity. : Resources For Internet Entrepreneurs

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Real money

Higher Learning Helps In Getting An Executive Job


Someone once said, "leaders are not born, they are made." A lot of people may agree to that given that talent can only go so far and those who work hard usually go farther. The same thing can be said about an executive job. A company will not hire someone...


Someone once said, "leaders are not born, they are made." A lot of people may agree to that given that talent can only go so far and those who work hard usually go farther.

The same thing can be said about an executive job. A company will not hire someone for that position unless this person is qualified.

Having a college degree is just the first step but the real test of someone's character will be in the decisions made which can only happen with some work experience.

Most college grads will start off first in an entry-level position. This is the best time for newcomers to learn the ropes of the business and eventually be left alone to handle certain responsibilities.

No matter how careful one is, mistakes will be made a long the way. This can really ruin things but the individual has to remember that this is a part of the learning process to become a better employee. Also, such an example can never be taught or learned while in studying in school.

Nowadays, having a college degree is not enough to land an executive job. This is because most employers prefer someone who has a master's degree. It doesn't matter if this is in business or one of the sciences. The important thing is that the individual has been equipped with better tools that can help boost productivity.

Some people might argue that there is no time to go back to school. This is not true because a lot of schools provide such programs for full and part time students. There is the general curriculum or the specialized one, which allows the person to shift to a new career.

It will be great to have higher education. However, the costs may be expensive for some people. This can be compensated by attending seminars and trainings instead which can be applied when reporting back to work.

This will not cost that much but these are still useful given that the business environment changes. The executive has to be trained to be able to lead the workers into battle by imparting the knowledge and working together to come up with better strategies and campaigns.

A diploma or a certificate is a good ticket in landing the executive job especially when there are not that many people yet who have it. Given this fact, the person has two choices in the hopes of moving up the corporate ladder.

The first will be to work hard for many years at the cost of being passed over numerous times when someone else is hired for that position. Again, this does not have to happen because going back to school or getting training will increase the chances of being given the opportunity to get the executive job.

What should the person do now? For starters, it is time to look around for a school that could offer these tools. Money should not be an obstacle since there are scholarships and loans that the student can apply for.

Will the task be difficult? There will be some hard days ahead especially if the person is not ready to be a student again. It takes to adjust but this all be worth it after a company decides to offer the executive job.

Author: Mario R. Churchill

About Author:

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on resume distribution or a job finder service checkout his recommended websites.

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Define business model

Discover Tools you Must Have for High Rolling Affiliate Entrepreneur & Homeworker Business Opportunities!


Now, I am going to give you necessary tools you MUST have for your high rolling home based affiliate entrepreneur and homeworker business opportunities today. You’ll discover my recommended 3 necessary tools for the high rolling affiliate marketer here.



Now, I am going to give you necessary tools you MUST have for your high rolling home based affiliate entrepreneur and homeworker business opportunities today. You’ll discover my recommended 3 necessary tools for the high rolling affiliate marketer here.

READ THIS: If you are truly serious about how to build high profitable home based affiliate business and boost your high income business opportunities today.

What does it take to become a successful Affiliate Entrepreneur? What are the ingredients of a home based affiliate business marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to home based affiliate business marketing glory? All these questions play around in the minds of affiliate entrepreneurs who want to make it big in this home based affiliate business online.

Although home based affiliate business marketing is touted as one of the easiest and most effective ways to earn big money online from home, it is not as easy as it sounds. The wise affiliate business owner plans every action and executes it the best way he can. He should also maximize the potential to earn by utilizing the right tools necessary for a successful home based affiliate business. I have discussed with some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business. Also, you will discover top three necessary tools for highly successful affiliate entrepreneurs.

Important Tool #1: Your Own High Quality Website

The most important and indispensable tool in home based affiliate business marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful home based affiliate business marketing is building a high quality, credible and professional looking website. Your website is the jump off point of all your marketing efforts. Thus, you must first build a user-friendly website, which will appeal to your prospects and encourage them to click on the links to the products and services you are promoting and make a purchase. Therefore, you must first concentrate your efforts in building a website that will cater to what your prospects need.

The most important thing you should consider is that almost all web users go online to look for information, not necessarily to go and buy something. Above all else, make your website full of original, relevant and useful quality content. People will love articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, on the internet, good content is still king and high quality content will not only build your reputation and credibility, it can also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful articles, you establish yourself as a credible expert in the field, making you a more trustworthy endorser of the products or services you promote. Establishing a good reputation is a good step in building up a loyal consumer base.

Click here now to build your high quality website and start earning big money from your website online now. You’ll discover a TON of tips, techniques and secrets of how to build high quality website selling like crazy. I understand completely that building a good website is a tough task for affiliate marketer. However, I highly encourage you to visit to learn whatever you NEED for your high profitable & successful website TODAY!

Important Tool #2: Incentives for Building Opt-in Mailing List

Competition is extremely tight in the internet world. You must always be one-step ahead of your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of your target market. Therefore, you must use every possible means to encourage people not only to visit your website but also to click and proceed to the websites of the products and services you are promoting. Building an opt-in email list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine. Better yet, offer incentives to your prospects to encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can present free softwares, access to exclusive services and other freebies that will be helpful to your prospects.

Personally, I highly recommend you to offer great incentives for building opt-in mailing list. The more effective incentives you have, the bigger your mailing list is! Also, you MUST offer the incentives, which are beneficial directly to your visitors or prospects.

Important Tool #3: Link Popularity of Your Website

The importance of driving highly targeted traffic to your website cannot be emphasized enough. The all-important web traffic is at the top of the list of the most important entities in the home based affiliate business world. Attracting people to your website should be the first step you should carry out. Do everything to achieve a high search engine ranking. Link Popularity is one of the factors that search engines use to determine search engine rankings. Therefore, to enhance your link popularity, you must launch an aggressive reciprocal link campaign.

One of the best ways to do this – at no cost at all – is by submitting articles, with your website's link at the resource box, to e-zines and free article sites. You will not only gain exposure, you will also have the real home based business opportunity to advertise for free, just include a link back to your website. The more websites you submit your articles to, the better your link popularity is. Make your articles original, relevant and useful so that more websites will pick it up and post it.

These are but three of the many tools that an affiliate business owner can use to maximize earning potential. The possibilities are endless and are limited only by your imagination, creativity, resourcefulness and determination. You can always explore other ideas and adapt other marketing strategies, which you think might help you become a high rolling affiliate entrepreneur.

Finally, I am sure that those top three tools are necessary for you who are looking for highly profitable & successful home based affiliate business. I highly recommend you to start use those three tools from now on. Your affiliate commission will grow dramatically. Also, your home based affiliate business will grow continuously and you can make big money online from home.

Join FREE one of the best making money with internet affiliate marketing membership site on the internet right now. You’ll discover extremely powerful features and top secrets of how to make big money online through home based affiliate business.

Author: zmilliondollars

About Author:

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, and, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.

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Multiple streams of income

The Role Of Simplicity and Duplicity in Network Marketing


The importance of simplicity and duplication in any network marketing business, and how you can use it to explode your networking business.


One thing all network marketing experts agree on is that the key to success in any network marketing company, is simplicity.

Network marketing is a very straightforward idea. But even this simple task requires hard work and dedication. A common error occurs when people try to make the process more difficult and complicated. Even if a complex structure works for you, others following it may not achieve the same results. Individual achievement is not your ultimate goal in network marketing; the ultimate goal is to create a structure that delivers success to everyone using the network. So when setting up a new system keep in mind the new and inexperienced members in your network.

Every step you take towards developing your organization must be easy to follow and others must be able to duplicate your success. Do not do tasks that involve special skills or resources accessible to only a few. Keep things simple, build your network quickly and make sure your business is accessible to a large number of individuals who can succeed. Working alone you can only make a few contacts a day and achieve even fewer sales. But through network marketing others can learn your strategies and duplicate your efforts. When this happens your efforts are doubled.

Try to aim for the same superior results every time. This is superior duplication. People at every level of the network must be able to duplicate the results and pass on the exact strategies to others, so that they can copy the same tasks. The breadth of your sales network depends on how well your methods can be duplicated. To make sure your process can be copied you must develop a system that each member of your network can pursue and teach to others without difficulty.

Duplication is the key to any successful network marketing business.

Remember, a simple system always works, unnecessary complications will only make duplication difficult for others. To duplicate successfully, you must follow the strategies without question. Every system has its flaws but instead of bettering the system you should concentrate on practicing your duplication abilities. People cannot be copied but their strategies can.

Franchises such as McDonalds are a great example of duplication. Ray Krocs the founder of McDonalds founded this system, which is easily duplicated throughout the world with 99.9% exactness in 18,000 outlets.
Simplicity should be your motto. Make sure your distributors can easily follow and duplicate your steps.

Always ask yourself:
Is my strategy duplicable?
Can others copy it, with ease?

Ask yourself these questions over and over again and if your answer is yes at least ¾ of the time, then you are on the right track.

Successful network marketers are sure that simplicity is the key in this business. Keeping the tasks simple will ensure growth of your business. Guide others by example, show them how its done. They want to see you succeed and make sure they can follow your network marketing system and achieve the same great results. The only way to get others to try your strategies is to prove how simple and duplicable they are.

Author: Jeff Burdic

About Author:

Jeff Burdic is a highly successful Internet Marketer. His concepts and ideas are extremely innovative and most of all, simple and duplicatable. To find out more, and how to apply these simple techniques visit:

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Green business conference

Job Seeking Secrets: Time Management


The rigors of job search are magnified by the turmoil we experience: lack of self-confidence, humiliation, financial pressure, and the undercurrent of emotions that color all we do -- fear, anger, depression, anxiety, loss.


There is an old adage that "Looking for a job is harder than working." How true! The rigors of job search are magnified by the turmoil we experience: lack of self-confidence, humiliation, financial pressure, and the undercurrent of emotions that color all we do -- fear, anger, depression, anxiety, loss.

One practical step we can take to lower the stress and conserve our energy for finding work, not feeding our bloated worries, is to manage our time effectively. Have you ever noticed that you get more chores done when you're busy? If time is limited, we squeeze in those extra demands because we know they have to get done by a deadline and we fear putting them off. When time is unlimited, such as when you take a few days off work, there is no pressure to rush-"I've got four days, I'll do it tomorrow." Suddenly, you are back at work and realize that you didn't accomplish half of what you had planned.

This lack of structure is magnified when you are unemployed. There is no pressure to get up, get dressed, get out of the house by a specific time. We know we have things to do. We need to update our resume, create some new cover letters, research some possible job openings.

It is so hard to get started because we hate having to do it, we don't feel creative or excited about the whole prospect, and we dread having to go through the horrors of interviewing. We procrastinate, telling ourselves that when we are ready, it will just "flow." For a few hours, a few days, we'll just indulge ourselves and relax. When the end of the month arrives and we compare our diminishing bank balance to our multiplying bills, we mentally beat ourselves up for not having accomplished what we had so earnestly intended.

Now we generate our own pressure, magnified by guilt and self-reproach. Stress levels and blood pressure rise. We feel resentful, angry, depressed. "I didn't ask to get into this situation. It's unfair. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it."

Adopting a reasonable schedule can avoid reaching this point. Try these ideas:

1. Take a day to do nothing but plan out what you are going to do, and when.

2. Concentrate on not over-committing yourself. You may be used to working 8 or more hours per day and think that is what you will now spend on job search. Remember that adage: your hunt for work is a lot more difficult than simply walking into a familiar employer and pursuing your daily routine. Recognize that and limit your job hunting to fewer hours per day.

3. If you rigorously limit your job hunt-related activities to 4 hours per day to start (you can always increase later), you may find yourself forced to stop before you are ready. This creates the impetus to get you going the following day -- you can hardly wait to get back to what you are working on.

4. When your "work time" is over, stop. Consciously focus your attention on relaxing: take a walk, read a book, throw a ball, watch television, whatever pleases you. You will be able to relax because you know you completed exactly what you planned. The guilt, and the sense of "I should have, I should be" no longer exist and you are free, for a short time anyway, to do anything you want.

5. Identify your priorities by looking at what day of the week is best for each kind of activity. If you are searching the classifieds, Sunday is the premium time to do it. If you are networking or cold calling, concentrate on the morning weekday hours. Agency visits, whether for temporary work or head hunting, can be relegated to the afternoons when employers are difficult to reach and already fatigued.

6. Analyze your own daily energy patterns and put them to work for you. Make sure that during your high energy periods you are "out there," contacting people and presenting yourself. Use your low energy times for solitary, mundane tasks: researching companies and jobs, organizing your paperwork, planning your next day's activities.

The inevitable stress of unemployment and job search can never be totally eliminated, but managing your time and being gentle with yourself can turn a painful situation into simply an uncomfortable nuisance.

Author: Virginia Bola

About Author:

A Licensed Psychologist and Rehabilitation Counselor, Dr. Bola developed emotional coping strategies and job search skills for clients and has served as a recognized Vocational Expert in court. Visit her at:

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Credit card processing for small business

Working On the Web: the Things you Need to Consider


If you don't have a ton of upfront money and you really want to work for yourself no partnership, no franchising, your work from home Internet business can still thrive in many freelance ventures.


If you don't have a ton of upfront money and you really want to work for yourself no partnership, no franchising, your work from home Internet business can still thrive in many freelance ventures.

The primary advantage to a freelance work at home Internet business, as opposed to affiliation with any other person or firm is that you are your own boss. The additional advantage is that you can generally keep your costs considerably less. Speed is another important ingredient in freelance work. If you freelance, you can start your business quickly, and start making money quickly.

The first thing to do in order to start your freelance work from home Internet business is to decide on what business you will offer. You need to know your skills, your experience, your strengths and your interests. If you consider skills, experience and strength without consider interest you've lost the point of working for yourself. You'll left drudgery behind and headed to more drudgery. What are you passionate about? What makes you happy?

These are the things that should be part of your work from home Internet business. Of course, it has to make marketing sense too. If you love scuba diving but your market area is the desert you might want to consider another business, market exclusively on the Internet to expand your market, or move.

The personal questions you need to ask yourself before you decide on the right work from home Internet business, or even if you're a good candidate for a work at home Internet business, are the following:

* Am I self-motivated?
* Am I self-disciplined?
* Am I organized or can I learn organization skills?
* Can I maintain focus for an extended period of time even in the face of distractions and adversity?
* Do I have confidence in myself and my skills in the business area I have chosen?
* Will I be miserable working alone, without the camaraderie and affirmation of my work colleagues and supervisors?
* Is my skill or product marketable?
* How will my life and my family's life be affected by my having a work from home Internet business?
* Am I financially ready for this able to live for six months to a year before showing a profit?

If you've answered these questions in a positive way, a freelance work from home Internet business is probably for you. The most prominent freelance work from home Internet business ventures are jobs for: writers; editors; copywriters; designers; virtual call center reps offering inbound or outbound sales, customer service or technical support services; and computer professionals such as programmers, designers and Webmasters. Hundreds of other freelance work from home Internet business types exist, however, in dozens of varying industries. If you want to work from home at your very own Internet business an opportunity awaits you somewhere.

Author: Michael Laleye

About Author:

Would you like to make money online, but don't know
where to begin? Here's 3 easy steps that really work:

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Sunbelt business brokers

Scorecards and Employee Performance Management: Executing Strategy From the Top Desktop to Every Desktop


Your most valuable resource demands your best management tools, and an integrated combination of scorecards and employee performance management represents the best approach available.


Given that by far the largest single budget item for most businesses is directly related to employees, and that employees are the key to business success, you’d expect businesses to spare no expense in the design and implementation of Employee Performance Management systems. Such systems are a highly effective means of strategically engaging employees, motivating productivity, and delivering a profound, positive financial impact. Yet few organizations invest accordingly.

Your most valuable resource demands your best management tools, and an integrated combination of scorecards and employee performance management represents the best approach available.

Organizations are waking up to the value of these tools in transforming businesses and delivering sustainable competitive advantage. Balanced Scorecards, which the Harvard Business Review has boldly called “one of the most significant ideas of the last 75 years,” are now in use at a majority of organizations. Similarly, EPM software implementation is repeatedly identified as a top organizational strategic initiative.

Read complete article..

Author: Sumtotal Systems

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Restaurant facility business

What is Wrong With My Internet Home Business?


The article outlines some of the most common reasons new Internet home businesses lack success.


You did your homework. You carefully chose you new Internet home business, but despite a proven track record of success for others before you, your business just does not want to get off the ground.

Before you throw in the towel and assume you cannot succeed, consider the following list, which outlines some of the most common reasons new Internet home businesses lack success.

1. No clearly-defined goals

When you set out to work your new business, did you write down specific, clearly defined goals? And do you revisit those goals frequently, adjusting them as needed? One of the worst mistakes you can make is to skip this step. Goals are powerful. They give you direction and purpose. Every decision you make regarding your Internet home business should be geared toward achieving your specific goals.

2. Unrealistic expectations

With all the hype surrounding Internet home business opportunities, it is common to have unrealistic expectations about your earnings potential. So many of the opportunities on the Web show “proof” of your inevitable success in the form of paychecks, sales reports, and testimonials. Though the evidence may be genuine, it is never typical and nothing you should expect from your own business at the very beginning. If you assume your home business will make you a millionaire in a matter of a few months, you should reevaluate your expectations.

3. Not enough time

Of all the would-be entrepreneurs that start a home business, an estimated 95% of them fail. One of the leading reasons is expecting too much too soon. Frankly, it takes most Internet home businesses 6 months or more to get off the ground. This is because it takes time to see marketing results. Give your new business time before you give up.

4. No clear marketing campaign

Think of your marketing campaign as a recipe for success. This formula should include a mixture of ingredients. Unfortunately, so many people simply try one form of marketing, decide after a short while that it is not working, and then switch to something else, abandoning the original strategy. Instead, you should undertake several different approaches at once. Some marketing techniques will drive traffic to your site, while others will build awareness, while another’s aim is simply to build credibility in the marketplace. Strive to find the proper balance of the different marketing tactics. Then create a definite marketing plan and stick to it.

5. Ineffective Web site

Once potential customers visit your Web site, does your message propel them to action? It is not enough to just direct traffic to your site. If the site is unsuccessful in converting prospects to sales, you need to rewrite your text to compel your visitors to take action. You can achieve this by addressing what your visitor will get if they buy your product or service. Let them know what is in it for them. You also need to make sure taking action is quick and easy.

6. Not asking for help

Do not insist on doing everything all by yourself. Everyone needs help from time to time, even you. Hopefully, your Internet home business includes either a telephone number or email address you can use to get support. If you are struggling, call someone who can help you. Also, visit blogs on home businesses. There, you will likely find others who have experienced what you are going through who can give you useful advice.

7. Not treating your home business like a business

A home business is still a business, after all, so you need to treat it like one. Do not believe the claims that your business will be up and running on autopilot in 15 minutes. Any business requires hard work and determination, and a home business is no exception. In the beginning especially, you will need to devote countless hours to marketing your business and adjusting your plan as you go. Though it is true that an Internet home business may ultimately seem to run itself, this happens only after devoting months, or even years, to marketing it. Every successful entrepreneur works hard…very hard.

Now, go back to the beginning of the list and evaluate your own Internet home business? Have you written clearly defined goals? Do you have realistic expectations? Have you devoted enough time to judge the success or failure of your business? Are you using a broad combination of marketing techniques? Does your Web site propel visitors to take action? Do you seek help from others when you have questions? Are you treating your Internet home business like a real business? Take care of these most common obstacles, and then move forward with your new outlook and launch your business to success.

Author: Jennifer Neel

About Author:

Jennifer Neel is an Internet entrepreneur and the owner and operator of Top Internet Opportunities and Get Your Own Free Web Site.

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Business reviews com

Mastering Joint Ventures - Automate Your Communication


Automate your communication with JVs, but keep it personal at the same time.


Frequent communication can lead to better sales. Joint Ventures leverage efforts to bring your products to entirely new markets. They may reverse your exposure to risk, earn more profit per sale, or boost your total sales volume.

Communication is a good thing in any kind of business. These are to motivate your employees, in this case, your partners. Communication should be frequent and used to create a common vision, establish a connection with leadership, explain the new rules, support the individual transition process, aid in retention, and ultimately, define the new organization in terms of "We" instead of an "It" or "They." Share as much information as you can.

Let the bots do the work. Many business people would prefer to have robots do certain tasks to free up their own time. Having to respond or communicate with many JV's is a task, so this calls for automated communication with the help of robot programs. Robots don't complain, rob the time-clock, or call in sick before heading to the beach, but they aren't practical for many types of work and the cost is exorbitant.

Unlike conventional robots, email autoresponders are inexpensive and very practical for automating the task of delivering specific types of information to your partners.

An autoresponder is like an email version of Fax On Demand. Also called a mail robot or mailbot, it is a truly automated special program that runs on a computer via an Internet server. When email is sent to it, it responds by automatically returning specific files back to the sender's email address. This also works the other way around: if you want to communicate with your prospects due to inactivity in responding to your letter, the bot will automatically send another email to inform the said party.

This means that it will send an instant communication to your partners online without doing anything, thus sending your own pre-made letter to your prospects seven days a week, all without the need for a human to follow up with each lead. The procedure is on full autopilot. Its objective is to respond to requests for more information on products, services, or opportunities and bring in enough profit from the small percentage of follow-ups that will increase the number of buyers to cover all expenses and confidently make revenues.

The following example of sending a FAQ is just one example of the different uses for autoresponders. They can also be used for price lists, sales letters, catalogs, or most any other text file that you want to automatically send. They have even been set up to send the text of an entire book by email; however, you must be clever in writing your letter in order to make it personal and genuine, with little chance of it being recognized as an automated response.

Suppose you kept a careful record of all the questions your partners and prospects ask about your products and services day in and day out over a period of time. As you analyze these questions, most likely you'll find that a majority of questions are the same ones asked over and over again that you spend much time and money on answering over and over again.

You could then prepare a text file containing a FAQ or list of Frequently Asked Questions, including detailed answers to them, and set up an autoresponder for automatically sending it out by email. Then all your prospects have to do are send an email message to the autoresponder, and within a manner of seconds or a few minutes, receive your automated response in his or her e-mail box.

Your partners get most of his questions answered quickly, without any human intervention, and you save time and money in the process, which you can use more efficiently in other areas. When such prospects get in touch with you later, they will be better informed about your offers, and thus, provide better business as your partners and become that much closer to doing business with you.

While this method won't totally eliminate time and money spent on partners and prospects, you won't have to spend as much of those precious resources responding to inquiries, because your FAQ, or your pre-made message available via an automated responder, answers most questions before they ask you. This will make it big in the long run; hence, netting you a good ranking in the top search engines, which of course leads to a good amount of money.

Author: Don Resh

About Author:

Don Resh is CEO of WebForce, Inc. A more detailed bio is available at: WebForceSolutions BizBuildSoftware TurboMaxSoftware

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Business opportunity marketing

Team Focus - How to Re-set the Sights


Identifying a team members complacency is often the key to re-generating a workforce, it's a common problem and one that can have disastrous effects.


I was at a training event recently and during the opening 'set the scene' intro the senior director in the company asked the group to list all the things that were stopping them providing a good service to their customers.

The team took great pleasure in listing all the concerns: Morale, time, work pressures, customer issues, the products etc etc.

The director gleefully added each and every comment to the flipchart and when no more issues were given he looked up and said.."I have only one problem with this list......." He let the question hang in the air for a few seconds and when the team's started to look around non-plussed, he said, "You're not on it!"

It may not have been what they wanted to hear, but Wow, did it have an effect.

Identifying a team members complacency is often the key to re-generating a workforce, it's a common problem and one that can have disastrous effects. In my experience, there tends to be two main reasons behind it.

1. The team member has been doing extremely well and has taken their eye off the ball.

2. The team member is not doing as well as his counterparts and so feel de-motivated and unable to achieve.

In both situations the key is to encourage the team member to 'buy-in' to the business once again. They need to appreciate the consequences of their action, or in-action, and learn to change.

So how do you do it?

The best approach is to identify the team member's drivers, that is, what it is that makes them want to succeed. For some, it will be the desire to get away from how they currently feel, for others, it will be the hope of reaching a better future state. Once you know what approach your particular team member prefers, you can encourage them to work towards, or away from it.

Of course it's not always easy to identify a person's drivers without asking them. So that's exactly what I suggest you do! You don't have to be so upfront with the question, using coaching as a method of understanding is a great way to achieve this.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that through a good use of questioning and an even better use of listening you will be able to not only identify your team's drivers, but also help them establish a need to change.

Why not re-focus your management team with our great one day training materials pack on Leading Effective Teams, or help develop your manager's coaching skills with Coaching Skills for Managers.

Author: Andrew Wood

About Author:

Trainer Bubble are providers of training course materials and resources for managers and trainers. They also have a great free section.

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Small business association st louis

How to Blog?


Ever wondered what is a blog and how to start one? In this article I list down steps to look forward to in order to set up your own blog, easily.


Somebody asked me this question just the other day, how did you start & create your Blog? Have you ever wondered how this can also be made possible to everyone out there? It all actually started by chance for me, added with a bit of curiosity.

A Blog is actually an abbreviated word for Weblog. It's somewhere where people can put down their thoughts and opinions in their own special way, through the Internet. Do you need to be a computer genius.... the answer to that, is No.

Nowadays, there are lots of blogging providers out there, who provide their services for Free, just to name a few, there is,,,, and so on. As you may have noticed this blog is under the good hands of Blogger.coms' team. They do all the hard work for us. All you have to worry about is what you're going to write in that blog. is also another provider where I'm having my Cars Blog at. All of these sites are on 'ready to go' basis, meaning to say that, they have pre-made Templates (background designs on how your blog will look like) which you can pick and choose from. This is the interesting part, because you get to personalize it to the way you want it to be.

The providing site will guide you through simple language on what you have to do next, so don't worry too much about making a mistake. Almost forgot, whatever you do, do this first, choose a name and a short one at that for your blog, which would be very easy for everyone to remember. Learn from my mistake, even I have problems typing my blog name (I know you guy's are laughing....) It's just too long.

Once you've done that, decide on whether you want the blog to be something surrounding your personal experiences, like a diary (this can be difficult at times i tell you, even people with exceptional writing skills would find it hard) OR whether it's going to be on something specific, like maybe a blog just for movie lovers (stick to a particular topic) and so on. At the end of the day, you decide. Because sometimes being creative can make all the difference.

Assuming you've decided on the subject, next you, surf the net and compare other blogs and see how they have set up theirs and also introduce yourself to them by leaving some comments. This way you gain ideas on how to better your blog and will create a link back to your site. Another important thing in blogging is that you constantly must update it, so that your readers will keep coming back to your page. Once you get the hang of it, it'll be fun, trust me. Don't feel depressed if no one comes to visit your blog for a while. You know the world is huge so, it may take sometime for your blog to get noticed.

Alas, we can talk about money. Yes, you can make money through your blog. Monetize it by primarily applying to Google Adsense. Having reasonably a good amount of posts already available in your blog would help in your application. Adsense is an advertising program (run by Google) that helps you make money by placing content, referral and search relevant advertisements on your blog. So, have all this on your blog and keep on writing because, come one day, the traffic to your site could be enormous and you will end up laughing all the way to the bank.

Remember Blogs are meant for the world to see and read, keep it clean and enjoyable. Welcome aboard and happy blogging!

Author: NIHAL

About Author:

Currently based in Malaysia. Have found a new passion in posting for a blog. It is an exciting journey. Read & learn all this at

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Small business server limitations

Graduate Automotive Jobs


The automotive industry is a great place for a graduate to look for their career. There are many different aspects to this industry, from design through to production and administration. The automotive industry is always in a state of change, so graduates should factor this in when choosing their career paths.


For young professionals and graduates throughout the United Kingdom and Europe, there may have been no bigger thrill in their lives than learning to drive a car. This rite of passage is something that teenagers experience all over the world and the first car a person has can influence their perception of motor vehicles in the future. Graduates with degrees in design, engineering, advertising, and business administration often overlook the everyday automobile during their job search. Automotive companies in the United Kingdom, Europe, and beyond are always looking for talented graduates to learn the automotive process and help compete in a difficult marketplace.

From conceptual design to the sales floor, there are a number of jobs that graduates can use to break into the exciting world of automobiles. Young professionals interested in managing production processes and the actual physical assembly of vehicles can get involved as production engineers. Graduates who want to help develop new automobiles from step one can get involved in design departments at international car companies. Other graduates interested in developing the catchy advertising campaigns we see on television all the time can get involved in automotive advertising departments.

The automotive industry is incredibly competitive and graduates need to be aware of the ups and downs of the industry before applying for a permanent position. Just ten years ago, Ford Motor Company in the United States was an industry leader while Honda, Toyota,and Hyundai were at the bottom of the automotive market. At present, the roles have reversed with Ford sinking down and Honda and Toyota rising to the top. With such a constantly changing market, graduate professionals need to understand that their jobs may not always be safe. Automotive companies in financial trouble will shut down factories, sell off subsidiaries, and close down departments to streamline their operations. Graduates need to recognize the volatility of the industry before committing to it fully.

Graduates who find jobs at automotive companies will find them lucrative financially and personally. Entry level engineers make salaries in the mid 30,000 pounds, varying with company size and stability. Perks, benefits, and other financial incentives are offered by automotive companies to keep talented graduates and young professionals in their positions. As well, graduates should consider their vocation to be a noble one. After all, developing safe and reliable automobiles for families around the world is an important job.

Author: Rupal Patel

About Author:

Rupal Patel is the Marketing Manager at JustClick, who are a leading source of Graduate Jobs and Graduate Careers, also offering a Graduate Lifestyles portal with news and reviews on current affairs.

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Innovative business models

Selling From Auctions


Selling from your own Web site is not the only way to do business on the Net.


Over the last couple of years a whole new way of selling products online has evolved. Person to Person Auctions.

eBay pioneered the concept, which was soon followed by a host of imitators including Auction Universe, Amazon, and Yahoo. The advantage of selling from person to person auctions sites is that there is no need for a Web site. Many home based businesses have been started and flourish on these auction sites.

One of the reasons the person to person auction sites are so successful is the ease of offering your product for bid. At eBay, you simply fill out a form available at their home page, click the sell your item icon, and then enter a short, descriptive title of the product and a complete description of the item. Following their instructions, you can even include a picture of your product.

From there, eBay takes over. You set a minimum price that you would sell called the minimum bid and their software automatically assigns a bidding increment. The increments are kept small to encourage more bidding. You can even advertise the existence of your auction to all of eBay.

Besides eBay, their are several other large person to person auctions sites for you to use to sell your wares.

  • Yahoo Auctions are very similar to eBay. List your products with both descriptions and picture.

  • if you sell antiques, collectibles, and memorabilia, then check out this site.

  • Excite Auctions also similar to eBay and Yahoo Auctions offering you a wide selection of product to sell.

  • Amazon Auctions offers you a wide selection of product to sell too.

  • ZDNet Auctions, if you have a technology product to sell like computer desktops, notebooks, and printers. This is the Auction site for you.

Author: Douglas Adams

About Author:

Douglas Adams is the owner of Home Based Business News , a website dedicated to increasing knowledge of home based business issues.

For Income Opportunities click here.

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Group health insurance for small business

Think About Obtaining An International Business Degree


The growing international market of companies have become very competitive not only in the business world but in the international business profession as well. More and more professionals are moving towards achieving success in the ever changing and fast paced career opportunities of international business jobs.


The growing international market of companies have become very competitive not only in the business world but in the international business profession as well. More and more professionals are moving towards achieving success in the ever changing and fast paced career opportunities of international jobs.

International careers are in one way or another very rewarding and lucrative, however, the challenge lies behind how one can fully vie for the jobs and prove themselves an asset to the organization they are about to join. This is the reason why most professionals advance themselves with studies and an international business degree.

An international business degree can be a valuable asset to an individual highly focused on achieving success in the career arena. Logically, a person having an international business degree will get the job in an international company rather than a person who just has a business degree. Although in the same area, business, a specialty degree in a chosen field such as international business is always an advantage over the other. In the same was that a masters degree will be more advantageous than just the degree.

Schools of business have over the years become more competitive too, offering the best studies in the line of business and international business. Producing successful degree students have been a goal to these schools and have contributed to the increasing demand of more effective and efficient professionals. Here are some of the well known schools that offer international business degrees:

University of Phoenix
This school is the largest private university in the U.S. that offer degrees in business such as bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees in global management, technology management, information systems, accounting, finance, e-business, and administration.

Walden University
This university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and offers masters and bachelors degrees in management and doctoral and masters in psychology. They offer business programs that include: E-Business Entrepreneurship, MBA, Accounting, Healthcare Mgt., Management, Marketing, MIS/Tech Mgt., Human resources, and International Business.

Keiser College
This school offers associate degrees in 18-24 months and bachelors degree in as little as 41 months. Business programs included are: Bachelors in Marketing, Bachelors in HR, International Business, Human resources, Marketing, and MIS/Tech Mgt.

Argosy University
This university offers thirteen metropolitan campus locations throughout the US and offers MA, BA, PhD and post graduate certificates in the fields of Management and Marketing, Business Administration, Information Systems, leadership, Health Management, and International Business.

Florida Metropolitan University (FMU)
This university has locations throughout Florida and offers career fields in business, computers, criminal justice, design, health care, legal and management and marketing. They offer business programs such as: MBA, bachelors in Business, Associates in Business, Associates in Accounting, Accounting, Management, Marketing, and International Business.

Author: T J Madigan

About Author:

For more articles and information or to view a selection of business articles and information and business partnerships articles and information visit - Your source for free Articles, Information and Website Content.

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Factoring Financing For Canadian Companies


Is your company based in Canada? Do you need business financing? Read this article to learn how finance your company with factoring and invoice discounting.


Running a business in Canada has always had its particular set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges has always been finding the right business financing. The market has been dominated by banks and institutions, which have very tough and strict lending criteria. Obtaining a business loan or almost any other type of business financing in Canada in pretty difficult. However, that is changing. Quickly.

Recently, Canada has seen an increase in the number of independent financing companies that specialize in business financing. Some offer business loans, but the majority have focused on offering invoice discounting (also know as invoice factoring). Although a relatively young industry, the Canadian factoring industry is growing quickly. But, what is invoice discounting?

One of the biggest problems for small and mid sized businesses is waiting up to 60 days to get invoices paid by their commercial clients. This can affect their ability to pay rent, suppliers or salaries on time. This problem is common for many businesses, such as trucking companies, staffing agencies, manufacturers, consultants and others. Invoice discounting is a financial product that eliminates slow paying invoices by financing them.

The factoring process is very simple. Once you invoice an approved client, you send a copy of the invoice to the financing company (also known as the factoring company). The factoring company advances you a significant portion of the invoice while they wait to get paid by your customer. The transaction is settled once the customer pays the invoice. The factoring company offers this service for a small fee or discount.

An invoice discounting arrangement provides you with the necessary funding to pay expenses such as rent, suppliers and employee salaries. This enables you to operate your business efficiently, without worrying about when your clients will pay. Furthermore, invoice discounting can help you win bigger clients, because it eliminates the worries of having to wait for them to pay.

As opposed to bank financing, invoice factoring is relatively easy to obtain. The biggest requirement is that you do business with established clients who pay their invoices regularly. Invoice discounting is truly a flexible product that is within easy reach of small and mid sized businesses.

Author: Marco Terry

About Author:

About Commercial Capital LLC
We are a leading provider of factoring in Canada. For an invoice factoring or invoice discounting quote or more information, please call Marco Terry (866) 730 1922

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Business basics for the successful commercial photographer

Criminal Background Checks on yourself


These days background checks are becoming a new trend for hiring. Not much has changed in the goal for large companies to get good responsible employees and to avoid huge lawsuits for criminal actions of employees. One of the ways that a company can avoid these huge lawsuits and retain a responsible employee is to do an investigation of there own called a background check.


These days background checks are becoming a new trend for hiring. Not much has changed in the goal for large companies to get good responsible employees and to avoid huge lawsuits for criminal actions of employees. One of the ways that a company can avoid these huge lawsuits and retain a responsible employee is to do an investigation of there own called a background check.

As the worlds corporate industry grows, criminal background checks are a feature of much importance to the method of hiring. This is being done in companies of all shapes and sizes. It’s a positive to be able to provide alternate forms of verification to your employer and be able to give you the advantage over other possible employees.

Basically when an employer has done his or her own investigation by doing a criminal background check an average overview of seven years is presented. However, a minute error may be able to destroy your future employment options.
Criminal background checks may check for different things depending upon what the employer is looking for. They may check for things such as speeding tickets, engagement of lawsuits, education information or underage drinking.

Your employer may benefit from a background check gaining more perspective as to what sort of employee he or she may be investing in; and as a possible benefit for you it validates you as a good employee. However, if an error has occurred on your criminal background check it may become a negative for your future plans. Be sure to get your self-checked to ensure that no errors have occurred on your record. This may also prove to be beneficial to demonstrate to your employer that you are confident and willing to take initiative.

Read more

Author: Richard Clark

About Author:

Author of different background check articles. |

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