Saturday, March 1, 2008

Find a business ein number

Real Estate Sales Training: Seek First to Understand


If you want to succeed in real estate you need to understand each buyer and seller. The better job you do on the upfront seeking to understand rather than seeking to persuade the smoother and quicker the transaction will happen and the more real estate sales you will have.


If you want to succeed in real estate you need to understand each buyer and seller. The better job you do on the upfront seeking to understand rather than seeking to persuade the smoother and quicker the transaction will happen and the more real estate sales you will have. Plus you will earn a buyer or seller that will refer you over and over again.

Success in real estate sales is all about understanding. The only way for you to understand your buyer or seller is to ask questions that get them to tell you a lot more than just the number of bedrooms and bathrooms their looking for. Buying and selling a house is a highly emotional transaction and you need to get to the emotion that is driving your buyers and sellers, so you can help them to fulfill their emotional needs.

Success in real estate sales comes from listening not talking. The only way to understand is to listen. Listen with your eyes and your ears. Make sure you’re getting the entire message being communicated through words, tone of voice, and body language. When you’re talking you aren’t listening and your missing your greatest opportunity to understand.

Success in real estate sales comes from understanding the whole picture for your buyer or seller. Find out about the type of community atmosphere they want, learn about their values and the role their home plays in the fulfillment of those values, ask what you could do to make this the best buying or selling experience for them.

Those agents that take the time to understand earn greater real estate sales. Real estate is a relationship business. Your buyers and sellers have to trust that you have their best interest at heart and that you are working for them. The more confident they are that you fully understand what they want the more likely they are to do business with you.

Author: Cheryl A. Clausen

About Author:

Would you like to learn more about your sales skills? Try this Sales Skills Analysis and find out where your opportunities for improvement are.

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