My Super Secret Sales Strategy for not Quitting.
Your most important decisions deserve your time and attention in a positive and constructive way instead of focusing on what YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE!

When my younger sister and I were kids, we loved play fighting with our dad.
His joke was "Dukes put up your Dukes" and he taught us how to box and protect ourselves.
He would say to us "Make a decision to keep your arms up and you will."
Years later - I dated a boxer (now there's a story over red wine!) and I would help him train. For hours I would hold the practice gloves up and my ARMS WOULD SCREAM at me to stop.
However, I will never forget something that long-ago boy-friend told me ...
"In the ring, the one who wins is the one who "doesn't quit the longest"
(Now - he didn't have a firm grasp of the English language, however, I loved the point of it!)
I'm always amazed when someone says to me "It's easy for you Kim - you look like you never QUIT anything."
The "quitting thought" crosses my mind about lots of things - however, I have a secret strategy that helps me decide if I should keep going or if I should quit and try something else.
I call it CHOOSE OR LOSE (aka "not quitting the longest!")
So How Does "Choose or Lose" Work?
If you're flopping around like a fish out of water, panicking, worrying, and basically making yourself sick with indecision... then do what I am about to tell you....and do it NOW.
1. Make a damn decision already! (based on my filters below)
2. Choose to NOT SECOND-GUESS your decision.
If You Don't Choose - You Will Definitely Lose
Because the world can't stand a coward.
Too often we see our decisions as one big, gelatinous blob and we give each decision the same amount of priority. Sorry lady - this is going to make you one stressed out girl.
If you're stressed - it's because deep down you're worried that you have MADE A MISTAKE. And you're not prioritizing your decisions in any way, shape or form.
I have news for you.
Spend More Time Making Your Decision A Success!
Ask yourself these questions:
- How will this choice improve my circumstances?
- Will I grow from this experience?
- Will this decision increase my revenue?
- How can I create momentum with this decision?
- What am I willing to do to make my decision successful?
Your most important decisions deserve your time and attention in a positive and constructive way instead of focusing on what YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE!
And remember this. Most decisions are not life or death.
Hell - they aren't even in the same category as choosing red nailpolish vs pink nailpolish!
You can change any business decision by revamping, revisiting, reworking - because anything that is important will be an on-going POLISHING PROCESS. (Just as in the ring you are always adjusting your strategy.)
When you're in the RING of BUSINESS you have to decide to ACT/NOT ACT and not dance around in indecision.
Try it. You'll like the results.
Love From Your Sales Diva With The Awesome Left Hook,
P.S. If you loved this article can you please FORWARD IT TO A FRIEND and encourage them to sign up for my FREE sales tips at They receive my FREE REPORT: The 5 Biggest Sales Mistakes Women Make when they sign up! Thanks!
Author: Kim Duke
About Author:
Kim Duke, The Sales Diva, provides savvy, sassy sales training for women small biz owners and entrepreneurs. Kim works with clients internationally, showing them The Sales Diva secrets to success! Sign up for her saucy and smart FREE e-zine and receive her FREE Bonus Report “The 5 Biggest Sales Mistakes Women Make” at
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