The Union Workforce
Union vs. Non Union work. Article describes the lack of intrinsic value when employed in a union workplace.

And then I caught a break. I got a job as a Shipping Supervisor in a union workplace. I gift from god right? Or so it would seem. Quite literally from day one I was asked to do nothing. Sit in a chair and look professional. Sure, I can do that, no problem. A couple months into it however, something started to eat at me. I mean, really eat at my soul. It wasn't the pay. The pay was great. I began to think to myself, 6 months ago, I was sweating like a hog, breaking my back for half the money I'm making now. I began to look around at my co-workers and they were all miserable. Almost as if their job were sucking the very lifeblood right out of them.
Without a doubt, I've searched high and low for the answer. How can getting paid more to do less be a problem. The answer I've found lies in two parts. The first part is simple and short. If a corporation is making money consistently, why change things? The system works. No changes are needed. The second part however holds the problem.
IntrinsicValue. All of these workers feel disposable, expendable. Their daily work has a purpose but they don't see a result. Their pay is guaranteed so long as they show up.
Back to construction. I pick up a shovel and I dig a trench for a plumbing line. My efforts are rewarded based on the fact that I see a result in front of my face. I think I'm going to put in my two weeks notice......There must be a construction company that would gladly pay me $12.00/hour to feel fulfilled.
Written By: Peter Bezanson
Author: Peter Bezanson
About Author:
College Grad - Arizona State University. Grad student at Springfield College.Majored in Psychology, then as a grad student Industrial/ Organizational Psychology. Now I run 2 businesses. Busy Busy Busy.Random related phrase:
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