Publicity Tips for Fundraising
Easy to follow publicity tips for getting more out of your next fundraiser.

Every fundraiser ever held has had the same challenge, how to get people to donate. With so much happening in peoples lives they are easily unaware of your fundraiser and therefore unable to donate. So the challenge is how to properly use publicity to draw people to your fundraiser.
It is important to always use publicity in the correct way. The old adage of any publicity is good publicity is not so when it comes to fundraising. The following tips will help to guide you as you begin your publicity campaign.
Five tips for properly using publicity to your fundraising advantage;
1. Put it on the web. You most likely already have a website so put your fundraiser up there. Let people know what you are campaigning for and where donations will go. If you have benefited from past support put that on your website. Be generous in your thank you to all current and past supporters.
2. Put it in print. Newspapers, flyers around the community, posters and even brochures are a great way to advertise. For a nominal fee you can canvas a large area and draw in support. Be sure to include all your information about date, time and cause on all your in print publicity.
3. Participate in other special events and gatherings and ask if you can announce your event. If you are supportive of others they will most likely be supportive of you.
4. Always keep your goals and reason for fundraising up front. You want people to know why you are fundraising and how successful you are. People always want to help a successful cause faster than one that is not doing so well.
5. Offer any sponsors of your event signs or bumper stickers that will display your fundraiser. Be sure to include on all signs and bumper stickers a big thank you to your sponsor.
Following these simple tips will ensure your fundraising success.
Author: Shauna Hanus
About Author:
Shauna Hanus of builds and maintains fundraising websites for churches and small ministries. Shauna has years of experience building websites and internet marketing. For more information on how to get a free fundraising website for your church visit
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