Why you Need to Manage your Compulsive-inventor
we all have that compelling need to create. It’s part of our genetic code; it’s what makes us willing to do what it takes to be entrepreneurs. Sometimes that compelling need to invent new things gets in the way of what makes us successful. The other day I realized I was feeling kind of tired. Not just physically tired but mentally tired. As I scanned my inner and outer environment for what could be draining my energy--it hit me.

we all have that compelling need to create. It’s part of our genetic code; it’s what makes us willing to do what it takes to be entrepreneurs. Sometimes that compelling need to invent new things gets in the way of what makes us successful.
The other day I realized I was feeling kind of tired. Not just physically tired but mentally tired. As I scanned my inner and outer environment for what could be draining my energy--it hit me.
I’ve been in non-stop creation mode. It reminded me of a coaching call I had with my client John.
John is a genius. He has a new idea about every 32 seconds. He knows these ideas are genius and the world would benefit from them, but there isn’t enough time in the day to get them all done. So, being the excellent student of success that he is, he focuses on five (or so) new creations at a time.
But something still isn’t right. He is exhausted often and feels overwhelmed. John has the Compulsive-Inventor Syndrome.
The Compulsive-Inventor Syndrome creeps in because we thrive on creating new things. We think we are honoring our creative energy when we jump around from new idea to new idea. But here is the rub…
If you are always creating then when do you manage your creations? Wealth and success doesn’t come from the idea -- it comes from the idea being implemented, marketed, tweaked, refined and monitored for continued profits.
Here’s a tip to manage that compulsive-inventor inside your head.
What if you took 3 – 5 of your creations and managed them for one year? What could happen to your bottom line? When you keep creating new products and services and launching them one after the other, do you have time to really turn those creations into money machines? The truth is you don’t.
There are three stages to generating wealth and freedom with your ideas:
Stage One: Create the product or service.
Stage Two: Launch the product or service.
Stage Three: Monitor and refine your marketing plans for your product or service to generate more cash flow, increase profits and reach a wider audience.
About 85% of entrepreneurs are doing part one, about 50% make it to part two, and only 20% are actually spending enough time on part three!
I’d like to give you an opportunity to create bigger results this year. Ready? Put yourself on an Invention Fast. That’s right. Give yourself a break from inventing, creating and producing new stuff for just one month. Just focus on making your current products and services generate a higher profit.
I know this concept might be hard for some people. You feel alive when you are creating, right? But if you study the millionaires and billionaires, you will realize that one of their secrets to success is managing their Compulsive Inventor so their ideas are really making money.
Author: Melanie Benson Strick
About Author:
About The Coach
Melanie Benson Strick, The Entrepreneur’s Success Coach, teaches entrepreneurs how to stop feeling overwhelmed so they can create more money, more freedom and more prestige.
Co-author of Visionary Women Inspiring the World: 12 Paths to Personal Power and contributing author to Entrepreneurial Spirits , Melanie is co-creator of The Unstoppable Goals Method: How To Turn Your Ideas into Income in 90 Days.
If you are ready to experience a breakthrough in your business, sign up for a 25-minute personalized ‘Business Breakthrough’ at http://www.successconnections.com/breakthrough.html
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