An Entrepreneur
Barriers to entrepreneurship include the lack of good ideas, market knowledge, general business know-how, and most importantly, the money to start the business.

I, like most of you, think that the entrepreneurship is both a learned and innate behavior. For those of you with the desire to be an entrepreneur, let me share some common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs that will guide you along the way:
They strive to maintain absolute control over their destinies. Most have little, if any, management experience but have worked in a large organization where they were frustrated by the slow pace, politics and inefficiency.
They are goal-oriented and they cannot tolerate mediocrity or failure. Success is the only acceptable result, and they are workaholics in their quest.
While they are willing to make great sacrifices to achieve success, they are also impatient and bored by the planning and administrative aspects of their companies, often ignoring these tasks.
They have large egos needing to be nurtured. They tend to believe they are always right, and it is difficult for them to heed the advice of others.
As most of you would think, they are calculated risk takers. They tend to have a gut feeling to guide them, and they are willing to "bet the store" on their choices.
They are good communicators who can generate enthusiasm within others because they believe so deeply in their cause. However, they sometimes have trouble accepting the fact that their employees are not driven by the same inner motivation to succeed. Therefore, they often fail to properly motivate employees.
They are weak in money matters, seeing cash only as a means to an end, rather than as an essential commodity needing to be constantly and carefully monitored.
Because they are so self-confident, energetic and driven to succeed, they often perceive themselves as infallible. If they read about something, they believe they can accomplish it. They fail to realize, often until it's too late, that no amount of drive or raw talent can substitute for experience.
Above all, they are visionaries. They see a vision of the future, and they strive against all odds to make their vision a reality.
I will also add that there are barriers to entrepreneurship. These include the lack of good ideas, market knowledge, general business know-how, and most importantly, the money to start the business.
Author: Srdjan Timotic, BSc, MBA, CCA
About Author:
Srdjan Timotic is the founder and CEO at idemo education limited (
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