Failure, the Track to Success
One of the most common occurrences in life is making mistakes, and learning from those mistakes. Everyone knows that making mistakes are a part of life, but what most people fail to realize is that failure itself is a major part of success

One of the most common occurrences in life is making mistakes, and learning from those mistakes. Everyone knows that making mistakes are a part of life, but what most people fail to realize is that failure itself is a major part of success
There are those who have gotten lucky and hit their goals on the mark the first time that they tried. This group is small however and the reality is that most people do not succeed the first time. I would go as far to say that most people fail several times before they hit the mark.
Being a rather spiritual person I look at mistakes that I have made in my life and the lessons that I learned from those mistakes. I apply the experience of my failures to all of the future decisions that I make in my personal and family life. Now do I still mess up? Of course I do but in the end I am going to be a better person because of it.
This same principle can and should be applied to business. The most successful people in the world got that way because they were not afraid to try at something and fail. Instead of giving up at the first sign of trouble they pushed thru the problem realizing that if they kept trying success would meet their failures head on. Success is in more cases than not the result of failure.
The moral of the story is this, “don’t give up.” Keep your head up and keep on striving for the mark. Do not resolve failure as being a lack of accomplishment. Look at it as an experience that will ultimately preventing you from making future mistakes. If you want to be a success you can. Many people have risen up out of the direst of circumstances and made their life a success, not because it was easy, but because it was hard…
Author: Chris Curtis
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