Monday, March 24, 2008

Columbia business school alumni association

3 Things You Should Do Every Day as a Network Marketer


There is an air of mystery to network marketing most people never realize. It is more than just paper and coins. It goes beyond the recruitment process and the promotions.


There is an air of mystery to network marketing most people never realize. It is more than just paper and coins. It goes beyond the recruitment process and the promotions.

As a medium of new level of marketing, network marketing possess an unknown power of its own, and when the secret of that power is recognized and put into use, the chances of earning money in network marketing will generate an influx of many wonderful events and remarkable rewards in several amazing ways.

Learning the secret of network marketing is one thing. Using your knowledge of its secret is another, and often difficult to grasp for many reasons we are now going to analyze, for the purpose of identifying the reasons why some people fail in this kind of venture.

Basically, network marketing is not that difficult to understand, as some people claim. The only problem why some people really fail in network marketing is that they haven't yet realized the real secret to its success. They were not given the chance to know how they can achieve their goal.

On the other hand, their failure might be based on the fact that they haven't done something about it that is why the chances of earning money had been curbed.

Actually, the secret of network marketing success is not really a secret because it is not disclosed. Or should I say, every people who are into business or marketing should have known that these things are essential in order to succeed.

The so-called secret of network marketing success is simply based on the principle that people who render passive actions will reap passive income. If you will be more active, chances are, your income will be on its active state.

The problem with most people in network marketing is that they tend to neglect working hard because what they thought is that residual income will keep on flowing once they have built their downline. They have this thinking that their downline will continuously grow, as the other people will also try to build its own.

But this should not be the case in network marketing. It's more about building downlines. It's a conglomeration of different activities that every network marketer should accomplish everyday in order to reach his or her goals.

Therefore, for those who are still sitting pretty on their couches and wait for their residual income to arrive, here are three things that you should do everyday as a network marketer in order to generate the positive results that you have long been waiting for.

1. Follow up

Everyday, before you wake up and before you retire to sleep, try to contemplate on the things that you have done on the whole day and assess if you have done some follow-ups.

Do not stop even after you have built a considerably solid downline. It is still important to continuously educate, guide, and check on your downlines. Find out how well they are doing. The point here is that if you want to be successful, then try to make them achieve something first.

Keep in mind that you are in a network. Hence, what they do is reflected on your part as well.

Also, follow up are important when you have prospective clients or customers. The reason why you have to follow up is because in most cases, people have to be literally open to the elements of your product or services as much as seven times before they will decide to buy.

Therefore, you need to consistently and unceasingly do follow-ups in order to close that sale. As they say, persistence overcomes resistance.

2. Success is in the cards

Another thing that you should not forget doing everyday is to leave your business cards after every sales call. It is important that you bring enough business cards each day and drop them wherever you go.

What most network marketers do not know is that business cards are not simply made just for the sake of having it. It has its purpose, and that is to promote your business, program, or product.

Author: Michael Sampson

About Author:

Michael Sampson reviews hundreds of MLM and affiliate companies a year. You can find his most recent reviews of a very controversial company 12dailypro

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