Friday, March 14, 2008

Financial times business schools

Why Are Leaders Quiting MLM?


More and more home business professionals are leaving the MLM industry for good, in favor of a new concept called G.P.T.


It's sad.

MLM just isn't what it used to be.
Sure, there are a few people making a couple bucks, but is it really your best choice for financial freedom?

That's what we're going to talk about here.

You'll see some of the pro's and cons going on today, so you can decide what's right for you.

So what's going on?

Well, in a nutshell, the promises of old-school MLM and life-long residual income are all but dead for the average person.

MLM used to be based on the concept, that you could work for 2-5 years and retire in style. An organization was something you could pass on to your kids and grandchildren.

That's just simply not the case any more.

Now although there is money to be made very quickly in MLM these days, the downfall is it's not going to last very long, as most distributors find their business depleting just as fast as it grew.

The average distributor quits in 90 days or less.

For most, that just simply isn't worth the effort for the tiny commissions the MLM companies are paying us.

Because their compensation plans are spread so widely, we aren't really payed on our own efforts.

The average MLM company pays out $20-$60 as a "fast start" for each new rep you acquire.

...and then they quit in 3 months, or less!

Is that worth our blood, sweat, and tears?

Is it worth the constant babysitting and complaining?


Unfortunately, in the internet age, new MLM reps will continue to leave just as fast as they came thanks to the outlandish advertising flaunted all over the net, including on your company's own search engine results.

The competition's definitely fierce.

And trying to advertise ourselves simply isn't an option, as the advertising cost to sponsor a new rep continues to spiral upward while the life time value of that distributor continues to decline.

I guess the opportunity in MLM just isn't what it used to be.

That might explain why many of the top MLM leaders are leaving the industry in favor of a concept called G.P.T.

G.P.T. is not a company, it's not an opportunity, and it's not a product or system of any kind.

It's an answer. A solution to tiny checks, leaking downlines, and the "quick-turn" mentality that has taken over MLM.

Although, MLM is still a very popular business model, it seem to have less and less appeal to blue collar professionals who can't see themselves peddling vitamins and potions to replace a six-figure income.

As for G.P.T., it is sure to play a major role in networking from this point forward.

Author: David Schwind

About Author:

David Schwind is a professional marketer and home business developement expert. To learn more about the lucrative concept of G.P.T. visit- for a free report.

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