Combatting the 'i Am not a Salesperson' Rejection
How many times have you approached a prospect that you just felt sure would make an excellent addition to your team just to be told 'I am not a sales person'? This is probably the most popular rejection I have personally experienced in my team building.

How many times have you approached a prospect that you just felt sure would make an excellent addition to your team just to be told 'I am not a sales person'? This is probably the most popular rejection I have personally experienced in my team building. I have even had people with their own gift businesses and some who work in retail stores to give me the same rejection. Here is how I have learned to combat that response.
When someone tells me that they are not a sales person, I say, "Sure you are! You just don't realize it. How many times have you bought something from a department store somewhere that you really love? What is the first thing you do? You tell EVERYBODY you know about it! How many times have you joined a book club or any other type of club and referred all your friends to it because you thought it was great? This IS selling!
Now, if these people go to the department store and buy the product you recommended, will the store pay you a profit for that sale? Of, course not. In the same sense, if your friends all join the club you recommended, will that club management pay you a commission every time your friends pay a membership? I think not. So, why not recommend a product or service from a business that will?"
This response has worked a lot more than it has failed for me. Many people really believe that they aren't into selling anything, yet, when they think of all the times they have recommended a product or service they realize that selling is no different. Most of the time when someone thinks about selling, they picture the door-to-door hard sale that, in the past, has been frowned upon by many in our society. However, a good sales person doesn't have to resort to these tactics. In fact, door-to-door in our state is illegal.
Selling is simply a form of sharing information about a product or service. When you approach your prospects, be prepared to combat the negative with a positive no matter what product or service you represent. Sales is as easy and natural as gossiping, only a lot more beneficial for all involved. If you can talk about people, events or any other topic, you can sell. All you have to do is think of the information you are sharing as if you were recommending a shopping center, doctor, lawyer, mechanic or anything else. We don't think twice about recommending businesses, products and services so why should we think twice about recommending a product, service or business that we are involved with?
Take pride in yourself and your business by just recommending your own business or product rather than someone or something else. If you help people understand the true meaning of salesmanship, you will be surprised how many times "no" will turn into "yes". From there, just teach them how to share the information needed.
© 2007 Bonnie Ramsey
Bonnie Ramsey
Independent Representative
for Scent Sations, Inc
Author: Bonnie Ramsey
About Author:
About the author: Bonnie is a recruiter, trainer and coach in her own business. She is a writer of poetry, short stories, articles and a monthly newsletter called Business Scents. You can subscribe to her newsletter at
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