Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cash flow business a scam

5 Easy Ways to MLM Success


The right training is paramount for any mlm success.97% of network marketers fail and fail miserably for one single reason:They do not do the right thing not because of a lack of effort but the lack of proper marketing training. There is really a conspiracy in the MLM industry .Most of the network marketers are duped by their companies. These mlm companies teach them marketing techniques that don’t work for the person involved but only for the company.To know more visit www.100repsamonth.com


Why The Right Training Is So Paramount For Your MLM Success?

97% of networkers fail and fail miserably because of a lack of training , not the training provided by the company to position itself but the right training that would enable you to position yourself in the pathway of consumption of your products or services.

When I look closely at the MLM industry I can clearly see a conspiracy . Most of the network marketers are duped by their companies .It’s not easy to see this when you just sign up for a MLM program .Techniques taught by MLM companies work but only for the company not for the average person joining the business. Most of the network marketers are actually and only tools for their companies to position themselves in the market place. To be successful in network marketing you have to stop being a tool but must master marketing tools to grow huge organization.

Before I talk about what “works” let’s chat about things that you’ve been taught that have proven themselves over and over again to NOT WORK…

8 List Of Business Building Techniques Being Taught That Flat Out – Do Not Work…”

-Building a list of your friends and family: That is the so called warm market thing. Companies love teaching that. Why? If they have 100,000 associates and everyone builds a “list” the company is growing. But not your business…

-Passing out business cards, brochures, audios and DVD’S.

-3-way calling: this is one of the most counter productive method to grow a business, because it does not allow you to position yourself as an expert.

- Hotels meeting and driving all over the town. This has nothing to do with home based business .

-The product sales itself. If the product sale itself why would the company need you?

-Duplication myth . 3 who get 3 who get 3 and you’re rich .That never happen.

- Set up a web site share it with your neighbors or put on your business card.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’ve done any type of marketing you’ve quickly realized that this isn’t the way to get the job done. Not even close. There truly is an art and science to how the site should be constructed, what to have on it and getting targeted visitors to your site that truly have a need and desire for what you’re marketing. Just having a website means absolutely nothing. It’s a tool that must be used properly and the vast majority of marketers have not been skilled on how to use it appropriately.

- Holding home parties will make you rich. How many leaders who are earning 6 figures income are holding home parties?

Now That We’ve Discussed A Few Techniques That Don’t

Work, Let’s Talk About What Does Work.

The 5 components that must exist to generate a mind blowing 6 figures income.

These components are not optional:

- You MUST Position yourself as an expert

- Use techniques that will enable you to expose your products and service to the masses.

- You must master the phone as a marketing tool.

- You must master the internet : it is an explosive tool

- Learn how to use the written word to enroll associates without speaking with them.

The right training is the one that gives you the chance to master the 5 components above.For more informations check out this web site www.100repsamonth.com

Author: Alexis-Blaise Kenne

About Author:

AB Kenne is a graduate in Maths and have been involved in network marketing for more than 8years. After walking the trail of tears for years he has found success in network marketing and is now dedicated to help others in their path to success.
To find out about what made him successful visit www.100repsamonth.com

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