Thursday, February 21, 2008

Businss continuity

The Career Of A Domestic Energy Assessor


This article looks at what energy assessors do and their code of conduct.


Every energy assessor in the UK must become familiar with the Domestic Energy Efficiency Advice Code of Practice - as must anyone who owns residential property.

No matter whether you live on the property or purchase it as rental property, an energy assessor will be calling on you to determine if your property is up to code should you put it up for sale.

The Domestic Energy Efficiency Advice Code of Practice provides a standard for energy efficiency standards by which an energy assessor can judge a home. The code is useful not only for the energy assessor and the owner but for organizations that advice and inform about energy efficiency as well as builders, retailers and installers.

The Code of Practice for providers of domestic energy efficiency advice is a part of the long term framework for energy efficiency in homes.

Energy assessors and others in the government and non-profit agencies, organizations and interested individuals in the UK have embraced the code of practice as a guide for giving domestic advice to consumers on energy efficient practices and products.

The code of practice is made up of several things that can guide an energy assessor or energy assessor-candidate, as well as homeowners and other interested parties. Not only does the code set up standards of energy efficiency but it also sets up standards for dispensing information about energy efficiency.

Any organization that wants to be recognized as one in compliance with the code of practice must meet code standards and at least one of more of its additional categories of qualification. Even energy assessor or other organizations that contract out their efficiency information services to another third party can sign up and show its support for this Domestic Energy Efficiency Code of Practice.

The five additional categories of the code are energy efficiency information and advice at the point of sale of the property, which is where the energy assessor comes in.

This category applies to organizations or persons who advise others on appliances and other products at the point of their being purchased or being considered for purchase. Generally manufacturers and retailers would fall into this category.

The second energy assessor code of practice category would be where energy efficiency advice is given during installations. This, naturally, would apply to installation specialists.

The third category is the act of giving face to face information and advice on energy efficiency from a place other than the residence being considered for energy assessor compliance.

This would be most applicable to associations, consultants and other organizations that dispense help and advice at their own locations, at trade shows, seminars and other public presentations.

The fourth category, which a certified energy assessor may or may not fall into it, is advice and information that is provided in other than a face to face meeting. This would be given by phone, by snail mail, by e-mail, online, or through any other electronic device.

A domestic energy assessor would fall into category five of the code of practice for energy efficiency. This category is for those who dispense information and advice on the premises of the home being considered for compliance.

Author: James Copper

About Author:

James Copper is a part time writer for NCS, who offer energy training for those wishing to become a energy assessor.

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