Friday, March 7, 2008

Start your own real estate business

Are Multiple Job Offers Realistic? . . . Get Outta Here!


Your skepticism is understandable, especially if you're conducting a traditional job campaign. But, there's a proven way to put multiple job offers on your plate.


"Multiple job offers? Do you know what I have to go through just to get an interview--much less a job offer? You gotta be kidding!"

Your skepticism is understandable, especially if you're conducting a traditional job campaign. You know, the kind based on writing a resume and then getting into broad circulation. If that's what you're doing, then it's not realistic to expect multiple job offers.

But what if I told you there's a proven way to put multiple job offers on your plate? And that you can accomplish this amazing feat in much less time than it takes to run your traditional resume-based campaign? Would that grab your attention?

First, let's talk about the advantage of acquiring multiple job offers. We have a saying, "Select your next job rather than settle for it." But you can't select a job offer unless you have more than one. And having only one offer to consider puts you under a lot of pressure. I mean, you're thinking: it's this or nothing.

So you wind up settling for what's in front of you. And you're willing to make all kinds of compromises to convince yourself you should take it. Even though it's not exactly what you want or need. Maybe the compensation isn't right. Or it doesn't fit in with your long-term career plans. Or something about your new boss or the organization is unsettling.

That's the dilemma you're confronted with. And it's a tough decision, especially if you're dead serious about advancing your career.

So, wouldn't it make sense to employ a job search plan that's specifically designed to position you for multiple job offers? And to do it in days rather than weeks or months the way your traditional job search plan does?

Your old-fashioned traditional approach requires you to take a "serial" approach. You mass distribute your resume to as many outlets as possible to get the broadest coverage . . . job sites like Monster and Hot Jobs . . . lots of advertised openings . . . direct mail or email to many companies . . . some agencies and recruiters. And then you wait for the phone to ring.

If it does ring and you get invited to an interview, then you follow through as professionally as possible. You go through cycles of interviews . . . answer all their questions . . . jump through all their hoops . . . and maybe, if the job search gods are smiling on you, you may actually meet with the hiring decision-maker. Of course, if you wind up with a job offer, you go for it. After all that resume and interview hoopla, you figure you'd be a fool not to accept . . . and run the risk of having to it all over again.

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way. Because there's an exciting alternative job search strategy that can have you meeting face-to-face directly with your next boss in a matter of days . . . without all the resume and interview hoopla. There's a remarkable non-traditional career advancement technique that can have you entertaining your FIRST job offer in as little as two weeks! Check this out right away!

Author: Paul Megan

About Author:

Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info!

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