Attract the Right Daycare Job Candidate
After you have drawn up all the pre-requisites of your new hire, you need to ensure that you attract the right candidate to apply for the position. So what’s the best way to go about it?
Once you’ve decided all the various qualifications that you’d like your dream help to possess and a remuneration package to justify your requirements, you’ll need to decide how you intend to hire. It is pointless to have the right job with the right package if the right candidate doesn’t know about it.
There are 2 methods in which you’ll be able to spread the word on your job position; either internally or externally.
Naturally with internal sources, you will be saving on time and money advertising for the position.
• You can consider promoting from within your daycare centre such as promoting the teacher’s assistant to replace a teacher who’s leaving. This is always the best option as you should be giving your existing staff a chance to develop before seeking external candidates. It also helps to motivate and boost the morale of your other staff as it shows your appreciation for your staffs’ hard work.
• If you have more than one outlet, you can consider transferring your staff from another outlet.
• You can also consider re-hiring other staff who have left. The advantage is the staff would already be familiar with your system and you are aware of the staff’s capability and character. The learning curve will be a lot less steep.
• If you have previously advertised for the position, you can re-look at the resumes again to reassess if you can obtain a suitable candidate from the pool. A good tip will be to speak to your second choice candidate in the previous recruitment exercise.
If you’ve exhausted all your internal sources, you will then need to look at external methods of hiring.
• You can consider participating at job fairs. This option might not be suitable if you are not looking to hire a large number of staff.
• You can next take up an advertisement. There are a number of publications that you can consider. The first is of course the classified page in your local newspaper. You can also consider alternative avenues such as trade publications such as childcare providers magazines.
• Other than printed advertisements, you can consider electronic versions as well. There are many online job portals for you to place your posting. You can also consider daycare providers’ forum pages or portals as well.
• You can spread the word around and have friends and families recommend potential candidates to you. You can also post the advertisement in your daycare centre’s notice board and let the parents keep a lookout for you as well.
• You can hire employment agencies or headhunters to locate potential candidates for you based on your job requirements. They will usually charge you based on one or two months of the salary that is offered to the candidate.
• You can also speak with schools offering diplomas and certificates in early childhood and see if they have candidates to recommend.
• You can also put up notices or banner advertising the position and inviting candidates to walk-in for an interview.
Recruitment need not be an expensive exercise. You can opt for cheaper alternatives but that could mean that you will need a longer leadtime. If you are really in a hurry to replace the vacant position, then external means such as employment agencies and advertisements is probably the quickest.
Good luck!
Author: Seraphina Tan
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For more essential information and resources on starting a successful daycare business, please visit
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