Dropship on Ebay? Who Me?
I’m not an “internet guru” or expert, but I can still tell you how to make money on eBay. It’s called “dropshipping” and there is money to be made if you just try it. There are many dropship sites on the internet. Finding them can take time, but it is worth the time it takes to find the right ones.

Guess What? I’m actually dropshipping on eBay and making money doing it! Never ever thought I would be this far ahead in my internet career in this short of a time span. As Controller for a manufacturing company I make a decent living, but selling on eBay pays me almost as much…not quite, but I’m getting there! Too awesome!
All the so called “internet guru’s” sell stuff on eBay…at least that is what I’ve learned so far in my search for internet riches. They all want to give you their “one-on-one” eBay training for a few thousand dollars as well. Don’t fall for it…it’s just another way to put a few thousand dollars more into their pockets. Anyone can sell stuff on eBay and you don’t need to pay someone a few thousand dollars to tell you how to do it. They became internet guru’s by suckering some poor fools into paying them a bunch money to tell them their “secret techniques”, which you can find out for free if you search on the internet long enough.
I’m not an “internet guru” or expert, but I can still tell you how to make money on eBay. It’s called “dropshipping” and there is money to be made if you just try it. There are many dropship sites on the internet. Finding them can take time, but it is worth the time it takes to find the right ones.
For newbies that don’t know what a dropshipper is, here is a perfect explanation:
Let's say you ran across a product on a dropshipping site for $20.00. You would sell that product for a price you would determine, let's use $50.00 plus $4.95 postage and handling for an example. After you collect the payment of $54.95 from the customer and their mailing address, you would forward the $20.00 plus $4.95 postage costs to the supplier, and keep the $30.00 as profit, never having to touch or store the Product, as the supplier sends it out to the customer. This type of arrangement is extremely beneficial to both yourself, and the supplier. The supplier does not have to open a storefront, or hire sales people to sell their products, as that is the role of the dropshipper. You, as the dropshipper, have a way to earn some spare money, having no start-up costs, no overhead, no packaging costs or headaches, and can create an extremely useful relationship with the supplier. Dropshipping is a great way to run a business without carrying stock.
Using the above method, you can start your own online store and never have to carry any merchandise. This is how the internet works and it’s great for those who know how to create their own websites and can keep up with their dropshippers product and price changes. That alone can be a challenge, but if you can contribute a few hours a day to your website, dropshipping is an excellent way to make extra money.
Dropshipping is awesome IF you know how to market your site. Without traffic, you have no customers. NO customers means NO sales…NO sales means NO money. But, that is a great subject for my next article. So..until next time, here’s to your success online,
Teri Trantanella
Author: Teri Trantanella
About Author:
Teri Trantanella is an Internet Business owner, wife, mother, and Grandmother of 8. She also works full-time as Controller for a manufacturing company and part-time as Accounting Manager at a Smoky Mountain resort on the weekends. This 7 day a week workaholic spends her spare time in the evenings online building & marketing her Internet businesses at gtcenterprise.com, toyoursuccessonline.com, and reflectionsofmedolls.com.
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