Learn How to Generate your Own Leads for Building your Business
When you started your network marketing business were you told to make a list of friends and family? Did you use a "memory jogger" to help you remember the names of casual acquaintances, or someone who did some plumbing for you 10 years ago? Did you find these methods didn't work? Here is what does work!
When you started your network marketing business were you told to make a list of friends and family? Did you use a "memory jogger" to help you remember the names of casual acquaintances, or someone who did some plumbing for you 10 years ago?
Did you find these methods didn't work?
If so, you are not alone. Because although many network marketers are told to "make a list" it is actually one of the worst things most of us can do.
It also won't work if you start prospecting customers at the grocery store, or asking the sales clerk if they "keep their options open".
Assuming that "everyone is your prospect" is wrong, and leads to frustration and disappointment. Furthermore, hardly anyone wants to do this anyway, and to become successful you must have a system that others can and will duplicate.
The secret to finding new business builders and customers for your business is to BUILD a list, not MAKE one.
This means starting a marketing campaign that will attract people who are actually looking for what you have to offer.
Create your own web page or have someone do this for you. You want to sell yourself, not your business. People who are hungry for financial success and security from working at home are looking for leaders. Therefore you want to promote yourself as someone who can help them achieve the success they desire.
Your web page does not need to be lengthly. In fact, you really only want to capture their attention quickly, and make them curious.
You also want a place on your site where people can opt in for more information. Otherwise once they leave your site they are gone and you have lost that potential business partner or customer.
Then you have a good autoresponder in place to do follow up. This doesn't exclude you emailing them or calling them yourself. Your prospect wants to know you are a real live person there to help them. They have already raised their hand for more information, and these calls are much more rewarding and pleasant to make rather than chasing after people who didn't ask about your business in the first place!
Depending on what advertising methods you use, it will take some time to build a large list, and it seldom happens that people join your company immediately, but in the meantime you are building a relationship with them.
The internet has unlimited possibilities for you to build your business, especially if your opportunity is available worldwide. You can use a service like Skype to make free calls anywhere, so you won't have huge long distance bills.
Your network marketing business will be so much more rewarding for you to spend time with like minded individuals. As you become successful it very well could happen that your friends and family members my ask you what you are doing. Your success may inspire them to also make changes in their life. If not, remember that the overwhelming majority of people are never going to start a business and work at it like you have. That is why the internet is so powerful. You can build your business working entirely from your home and meet new business partners and friends from anywhere!
Author: Joanne Ott
About Author:
Joanne Ott is an entrepreneur from Canada. She has a home based business.
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