The Spiritually Intelligent Leader
When you find yourself frustrated with others, with life, with yourself--step back. Remind yourself that you are much more than this. Remind yourself that you are of Spirit, and that this person you think is you, is just a small part of the greater you. You are not your role, but something deeper. By identifying with this deeper, higher self, you become much more effective.
Leaders and mentors of leaders agree that emotional intelligence is a key factor in success as a leader. In fact, it is a key to success in any career. To be aware of your emotions, how they affect you, how they affect others, and to be able to consciously change our emotions is essential to success in all human relations. Now, there is a new intelligence on the block. Spiritual Intelligence is really not new, but the term is. Many authors have attempted to define it. All definitions are helpful, but few demonstrate a depth of understanding. My intent is to offer you a brief, but in depth definition that you can apply.
It should be noted that spiritual intelligence has nothing to do with religion or doctrine. Certainly religious people may be spiritually intelligent, but so may nonreligious people. Spiritual intelligence is the ability to transcend the ego and know what to do and when, based on intuition and/or inspiration. For some, this means operating from Divine Guidance. For others, this means living intuitively. Spiritual intelligence is the awareness of when the ego is running the show, and to be able to choose differently.
The first principle of spiritual intelligence is identity--knowing who you are. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are not a human who occasionally has a spiritual experience. You are not your body. You have a body. You are not your past. You have a collection of experiences in your memory. You are not your mistakes. You are a spiritual being who has often forgotten who you are. You are not your job or your car or your home. Those are merely possessions. Possessions come and go. Fortunes rise and fall. You are not the role you play whether you call it father, mother, child, grandparent, CEO, secretary, Christian, Muslim, Jew, American, German, Japanese, etc. These are the roles you play. None of these are the real you. If the role is taken away, you still exist. The nonphysical you, your spirit, is who you are.
Your security, then, is not found in roles or possessions. Your clarity about who you are allows you to create whatever roles or possessions you require to live meaningfully in this world. I worked with a man who was a multi millionaire. His best friend told me that if this man lost everything, he would again be a millionaire within a year. His security was within him--not in his possessions. Your security is within you. No matter who rejects you, no matter how many times you "fail", you are still you. Those are just experiences. You learn from experience.
If you know who you are, then you know what you are. You are an expression of the all-encompassing Creative Intelligence. Whether you call this "God" or by another name, it is the same. Some religions say you are made in the image of God. Since you are of this Creative Intelligence, you are as It is. You are good. Your true nature is to connect with others, to love and be loved. People who seem incapable of loving and being loved are ruled by fear. They are living strictly from their egos. Fear is what causes us to forget who and what we are. The ego is the fearful personality we have made of ourselves that thinks it is separate from spirit and from other people.
The second principle of spiritual intelligence is a clear understanding of Universal Law. You reap what you sow. You receive what you give. Your deep seeded, usually unconscious thoughts and beliefs determine your experience of life. This does not mean you are to blame for illness, poor finances, or conflicted relationships. Rarely do we make a conscious decision to be ill, broke, or emotionally hurt. Yet patterns of thinking create our way of being in the world. Our way of being leads us to experiences that reflect our deepest beliefs about ourselves and our place in the world. This is why some people who have won the lotto find themselves broke again, in a few years. They did not have the mindset to manage that much money. This is why people who are healed by faith healers, often get sick again. They did not have the mindset for wellness.
Given that Universal Law is a law that cannot be broken, we are 100 % responsible for our health, our finances, our relationships, and everything else. The moment you think something is someone else's fault, you are incorrect. How you feel is based on decisions you have made. To say "I am 100 % responsible" is powerful. Spiritual Intelligence has us turning inward for answers to challenges, listening to the inner voice. We develop that inner voice through meditation and/or prayer. We develop it by intentionally letting go of our opinions and opening our minds to new and better ideas. These ideas don't necessarily come from our brains, but from the One Mind to which we are all connected. This is the source of great ideas, of creativity and innovation, and of inspiration.
When we live in fear, fear is what we reap. We draw more situations to ourselves that stimulate a fearful reaction. When we believe others are victimizing us, we constantly set ourselves up to be victimized. We draw people into our lives who will specifically do that for us. When we bear good will toward others (without placing our well-being in their hands) we will draw to ourselves more good will. These are but a few examples of Universal Law.
" Is the glass half full or half empty; are you a nasty, miserable, pessimistic, unhappy, and self-centered being...a "looking after number one" kind of person? Or are you a generous, unlimited, caring, selfless, positive, unconditionally loving kind of person? However you choose to perceive yourself, then so you will be. And so you will act, and so will be your destiny. Your perception is both your reality and your choice. If you can learn to make this choice you will be an awakened soul and enlightenment will come easily." (from The 7 AHA's of Highly Enlightened Souls, by Mike George)
The third principle of spiritual intelligence is nonattachment. Knowing who and what you are, knowing that by Universal Law, you are responsible, you become unattached to specific outcomes or to the thoughts and feelings of others. This does not mean you don't care. You care, but your well-being doesn't come from other people or situations. This mindset of nonattachment, this spiritual intelligence, makes you strong and stable.
In non attachment you are free of stress. Stress is all about trying to control what you cannot control. The weather, other people's opinions, the stock market, other people's actions, are all things you cannot control. If you have strong expectations about these things you are attached. When things don't go your way, you feel pain, hurt, anger, or frustration. You become stressed. The answer to stress is not in a pill or a drink. It is in your own mind. All stress is caused within your mind. It is all about your expectations.
Non attachment requires that you know and appreciate who and what you are, your purpose, and your direction. When you act from this place of clarity, love, and confidence, you influence others. You don't have to "get" them to do anything. When you act selfishly to get what you want you make enemies and meet resistance. When you clearly desire a certain outcome, but are completely willing to do without it, you are in a powerful position.
Spiritual Intelligence has us listening within to the still small voice and following its guidance. How do you know if the voice is of your Spirit, or of your ego? The ego is about scarcity, conflict, hurry, worry, and fear. The still small voice is of love, confidence, and achieving the highest good for all concerned.
Spiritual intelligence is the awareness of choice--that there is Spirit and there is ego, and nothing in between. There is love and there is fear--and nothing in between. That there is seeking to achieve the highest good for all concerned--or "looking out for number one" selfishness.
Not only awareness, spiritual intelligence is the courage to make the choice, moment by moment, to let go of ego centered thinking and behaving, and to allow the spirit within you to guide you. Some may say "But you shouldn't look within for guidance; you should look to God." However you perceive God, as Great Spiritual Being, as Omnipresent Spirit, or simply as "Higher Power", your point of contact is within your mind. Look within.
Spiritually Intelligent leaders are rarely famous, because they do not seek recognition. They are effective and powerful. They understand that they are a nucleus, not the center of attention, but a center of influence. They are a shining light, with no concern for what they are "getting" from others. Their focus is on what they are giving. And by Law, they are receiving what they are giving.
"Your behavior influences others through a ripple effect. A ripple effect works because everyone influences everyone else. Powerful people are powerful influences.... All growth spreads outward from a fertile and potent nucleus. You are a nucleus."
The Tao of Leadership, by John Heider
When you find yourself frustrated with others, with life, with yourself--step back. Remind yourself that you are much more than this. Remind yourself that you are of Spirit, and that this person you think is you, is just a small part of the greater you. Quiet your mind and allow inspiration to flow. Breathe and let go of stress, and ask to see your world as Spirit would see your world. Allow your thoughts to be guided by the peaceful, loving, and powerful presence within you. Envision positive outcomes for all concerned without becoming attached to what outcomes should be. Refuse to take the negativity of others personally, and become instead, a shining light. Live from your deepest values and allow the still small voice of intuition and inspiration to guide you.
Author: William Frank Diedrich
About Author:
William Frank Diedrich is a speaker, executive coach, and the author of three books. He offers online classes in prosperity and leadership. To learn more about William's services and writings go to or to
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