Ten Tips to Increase Your eBay Sales
Ten practical tips on increasing your sales from eBay auctions.
You've got a potential bidder to click through to your auction. They're reading your auction description now.
They're obviously interested in what you're selling, or they wouldn't have located your auction. But what more can you do to tip them over from being a viewer into a bidder?
Here are some steps you can take to achieve that objective...
1. Improve your pictures
In spending time to writing your auction description, don't forget the importance of pictures. Make sure any images you use are of high quality. There's nothing worse than a blurry, badly sized photo. You don't want to look like an amateur. A buyer might assume that if you can't be bothered to produce good images, maybe other aspects may equally slipshod.
2. Add an About me page
Be aware that some of your visitors will click through to your About me page. It's one of the ways in which they can check you out before bidding. By having an About me page in which you discuss yourself and your business, you contribute to the necessary assurance which an eBayer needs before they will bid on your item. Incidentally, you can also use your About me page to display special deals, and to enable people to subscribe to your mailing list so that you can email them subsequently with offers and updates.
3. Use SquareTrade
Signing up at SquareTrade - http://www.squaretrade.com - and displaying their logo on your auctions shows that you are committed to having disputes resolved speedily and professionally. You may have noticed how many PowerSellers use the Square Trade logo. A free method of showing that you are a seller who can be trusted is to join the Fair Trade Authority program - http://www.fairtradeauthority.com/ This scheme is free, and it enables you to use the Fair Trade Authority logo in your eBay auctions providing you meet their validation requirements.
4. Show Terms and Conditions
It's always advisable to have the ‘small print' clearly visible on all your auctions. This would include details such as shipping times and prices, refund policy and any other business practices you might have. This may not result in a sale, but it will prevent some people from leaving your auction description page after being unable to find an answer to questions about Ts & Cs.
5. Show off your feedback
Show some of your feedback on your auction description page. Copy and paste a selection of the feedback comments you're most proud. In addition, if you have 100% positive feedback, be sure to mention that too within your auction description.
6. Add NR to your auction titles
It's a fact that some buyers look for No Reserve auctions. They believe that they are more likely to pick up a bargain from such auctions. If you can offer your item without reserve, it is always useful to let buyers know by placing NR at the end of your auction title - being recognised shorthand for a No Reserve auction.
7. Remember - benefits not features
Ensure that your auction description conveys benefits and not just features. This is a classic sale s technique, and is used because it is effective. If you're not sure of the difference, ‘cheap' is a feature, ‘save money' is a benefit.
8. List more items
If you want more people to respond to your items, then simply list more items! This is particularly for you if you have more than one of the same item to offer. You could use a Dutch auction, or you could simply keep two or three auctions going at the same time, perhaps in different categories. The point is that the more auctions you have running on eBay, the more visitors you will achieve.
9. Accept different payment methods
To reach those last few buyers, accept payment methods that many sellers don't offer. This could be cheques, postal orders, or even cash (at your buyers risk).
10. Test and then invest in upgrades
Don't stand still with your auctions. Keep testing eBay promotion upgrades and see which are effective for you. There are a wide range of upgrades from pennies to pounds. Some categories are very busy, and you may find upgrades help to differentiate your auctions and get you more visitors and, hopefully, more sales.
Try these tips on your eBay auctions, I guarantee your sales results will improve.
Author: Brian Mcgregor
About Author:
Brian McGregor is an internet entrepreneur specializing in eBay. He publishes the eBay Auction Newsletter - Subscribe free. Get traffic to your site - 'The eBay Traffic Funnel'Random related phrase:
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