Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bsuiness plan

E-learning Standards Body Says Sumtotal Officially Certifies Against New Guidelines


According to the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative, SumTotal® Systems’ newly released learning management system – TotalLMS™ 7.5 – conforms to the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM®) Version 2004 3rd Edition, an e-learning standards initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.


According to the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative, SumTotal® Systems’ newly released learning management system – TotalLMS™ 7.5 – conforms to the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM®) Version 2004 3rd Edition, an e-learning standards initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense. SumTotal (NASDAQ: SUMT) makes software that not only delivers and manages training over the Internet but also automates employee performance appraisals. According to the ADL Initiative, SCORM is a set of specifications that enable interoperability of Web-based learning content.

“Simply put, customers want the online courses that they buy or build to run as expected on a learning management platform,” said Jon Ciampi, SumTotal’s vice president of marketing. “We believe embracing the SCORM 2004 standard and receiving ADL’s certification is a critical step in meeting the marketplace’s expectations.”

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense established the ADL as a forum for cooperative research and development of new learning technology prototypes, guidelines and specifications. The ADL Initiative released its 3rd edition of SCORM Version 2004 on October 20, 2006.

This fall, SumTotal completed a series of self-tests against the 3rd edition of SCORM 2004. SumTotal submitted the results to the ADL, which independently validated TotalLMS 7.5 against a conformance test suite and subsequently filed the test results on the ADL’s Web site at www.adlnet.org. The ADL now recognizes TotalLMS 7.5 as a certified product under the SCORM 2004 3rd Edition.

“We applaud SumTotal’s commitment to conforming to the ADL Initiative’s elearning standards,” said Paul Jesukiewicz, deputy director of the ADL Initiative. “We’re pleased to see SumTotal, which was one of the early adopters among many providers of learning management systems, to officially certify with our 3rd edition of SCORM Version 2004.

“SumTotal’s actions not only advance the cause of implementing standards across the elearning industry,” added Jesukiewicz, “but also give public- and private-sector customers a way to validate vendors’ claims of interoperability between elearning content and learning management systems.”

Author: Sumtotal Systems

About Author:

For more information about SumTotal's products and services, visit www.sumtotalsystems.com

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