Monday, February 11, 2008

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Reaching Out, Touching Base Via Airwaves


Radio’s grab-and-gab tack plus tug at people can be plied to generate added value. Take the Leaders for Health Program (LHP) that goes on air Sundays over DWBR 204.3 FM—Metro Manila’s leading business radio station—as a portion of the 9:00-10:00 p.m. show Executive Musings. It’s been on air since October 1, 2006.


Reaching out, touching base via airwaves

RADIO is cheap. Too, the chief means of tuning in to everyday developments in the country. That ought to explain why hundred millions of pesos were coughed up and spread out at broadcast media by moneyed Senate-seat seekers in the campaign prior to the 2007 mid-term elections. It’s no secret that 80% of the Metro Manila populace or four of every five get their daily jolt of facts and factoids from the noise box—the radio.

By far, radio has the greatest reach and the widest grab on audiences from the coastal villages of Aparri to the hinterland communities in Zamboanga.

Radio’s grab-and-gab tack plus tug at people can be plied to generate added value. Take the Leaders for Health Program (LHP) that goes on air Sundays over DWBR 204.3 FM—Metro Manila’s leading business radio station—as a portion of the 9:00-10:00 p.m. show Executive Musings. It’s been on air since October 1, 2006.

In a nutshell, LHP works with the country’s dirt-poor communities, sharing insights and foresights. Imparting the importance of such must’s as immunization, clean water, hygiene, and waste management.

Show host Lu S. Moguel—the first moniker’s Chinese for "wanderer" and is apt as she rides the airwaves electric—admits that those "are the first steps to a changed local health landscape, the beginning of more productive and empowered lives striving for self-reliance." As current government spending on public health is a pittance one percent—or a centavo for each one peso allocation for various national needs— a nationwide movement must be kindled changing how the Filipinos think, feel and behave about health.

LHP aims to do that fueled by the belief that the key to transforming communities is health—the key that opens doors beyond health, and addresses issues that affect leadership, governance and even poverty alleviation.

"Our work is about helping people understand that the power to be healthy is in their hands," muses Ms. Moguel, a professor in one of the country’s top universities, an industrial psychologist, executive coach and an MBA degree holder who graduated with the highest distinction. She envisions Executive Musings as her contribution to nation building, sharing the wisdom gained in her more than 25 years of experience in her sphere of competence.

Aside from advocating public health, Executive Musings also caters to CEOs and key corporate officers in the tackling of issues, concerns, or experiences "they usually would rather not talk about or cannot find time to read on; from matters on managing people in business to handling personal relationships, to addressing current trends or concerns that helps shape informed individuals."

Ms. Moguel’s Sunday show seeks to "uphold the relevance of self-governance, good judgment and heightened understanding of the self and social issues that can help them create an impact on our society."

Executive Musings features a weekly guest speaker, an expert and a success in his or her own field in an earnest dialogue with the show host "in an interplay of perspectives on the featured topic."

The show is produced by LSM International Management Consultants, Inc. which takes pride in its 30-year track record in human resources development and management, organizational development, and crisis management.

Executive Musings enjoys a niche following in the Metro Manila megalopolis, provincial and international markets due to its accessibility in the global information superhighway, reaching out in cyberspace via to audiences 24/7 anywhere around the globe.

An article about the author on the magazine Medical Observer, June 2007 issue.

Author: Mrs. Hobbyist

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