Monday, February 18, 2008

Starting a small business in mn

Web Marketing Strategy: Why Small Businesses Often Fail Online


Most businesses fail online because they don't use their website as a marketing tool. Learn to create a web marketing strategy that will put your business on the road to success.


Over the past few years, many small businesses have made the leap to the Internet. They've found some success in the traditional sense, and decide they can take that success to a new level by developing a website. Yet after a few months, they discover the Internet isn't what they thought it was. And they start looking for solutions. Does this sound like you?

Most businesses fail online because they don't use their website as a marketing tool. They design the site once, and expect it to bring in leads over and over again, year after year. Yet a website is meant to grow and change, just as you change your business with new products and new promotions.

Did you know the standard website has 8 pages of content, and will never grow beyond those 8 pages? Yet the number one way to reach your prospects and potential buyers is through content.

A standard 8 page website is a great place to start, but don't stop there. It's time to build, and create a site that attracts clients to you. Consider these 8 reasons to continue building on to your website.

1. Depth. People like investigating, and being able to discover more resources. Multiple pages allow people to drill in deeper to your site.

2. Resource. What makes your site valuable? People bookmark sites that have a variety of benefits and solutions. Add pages to your site to keep people better informed.

3. Power. A powerful site lets people take action. What can you do to direct people to your pages that allow people to take action?

4. Selection. When you head to the mall, do you buy the first thing you see, or do you look through a variety of stores to find the best deal? A variety of pages on your site allow a visitor to sort through your material, and confirm they are getting a great deal.

5. Value. Can a visitor on your site learn something new? Can they see themselves in your message, and have you provide the solution? The more value you portray, the better your chance of creating the sale.

6. Influence. Sometimes you can persuade people to take action by your stories, graphics and messages. The more personal your site becomes, the more people will look up to you as the expert.

7. Copy. Sometimes it isn't the amount of pages that has influence; it's the copy. Does your copy speak to your audience? Does it motivate them to take action? Don't be afraid of the long sales letter pages if it's appropriate for your business.

8. Professionalism. Is your site a sales team? Look at the message your site construes. Would you buy from you?

Author: Lori Osterberg

About Author:

Lori Osterberg is a successful author, trainer, presenter and consultant. She helps small businesses develop successful online marketing strategies, and offers many online services, including web design and optimization. Receive her FREE ezine at

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