Monday, February 25, 2008

Registering a business in florida

Do You Have A Mortgage Attitude


Of all of the steps involved in a successful real estate transaction the mortgage process is the most important. Here's why...


I really hope your answer is a resounding YES!

Here's why:

Of all of the steps involved in a successful real estate transaction, the mortgage process is the most detailed, most intense, most involved and, most important part of the entire process. Without the successful mortgage process there is no deal (an all cash offer being the exception).

I know what you're thinking...the Realtor/Agent started the deal and they're an important part of the transaction. Of course they are, and I don't mean to minimize their importance. However, there are countless real estate transactions done everyday without their involvement. A FSBO house sale is probably the most obvious one.

In my area there is a large group of very active investors that prefer not to use Realtors/Agents because it raises their costs considerably. But they will use a mortgage professional on every single transaction to effectively shop their mortgage and leverage their money.

The point as a "Mortgage Professional," are the most important cog/gear in the entire real estate process.

Think about it. Depending on the transaction and the're responsible for the scheduling and the successful completion of the application, the appraisal, the final inspection (new construction), the title order, the survey order, the flood certification, the pest inspection, the well test, the septic inspection, the mortgage itself, the coordination of the closing date, the timely funding of the loan, the final documents required to close, and finally, the loan must be in compliance with both state and federal regulations.

Sometimes it's even more than that...sometimes it may be less. Either way, there is no doubt that your efforts are what make it all happen and the mortgage process to be successful.

You put people in make the American dream of home ownership a assist first-time spend time with the credit challenged to help them purchase or refinance their help refinance and consolidate people's save FSBOs and investors great amounts of money...and, you are the driving force in the economic well-being of this great country.

That's why you can say...I do have an "Attitude." I'm proud of the services I provide, the knowledge I have acquired, and the opportunities that I generate for others. I'm not ashamed or afraid to talk to Realtors/Agents, or FSBOs, or CPA/Accountants, or Financial Advisers, or Attorneys, or anyone else for that matter.

You also control the direction and "moral compass" of the mortgage industry. Hold yourself to the highest of standards and ethics and always remember your allegiance to your customers. Should you see or experience questionable loan practices, follow this simple rule: avoid them and report them. Keep our mortgage industry strong.

I hope you do have an "Attitude!" And yes, I hope you're proud of it!

Author: Tom Domin

About Author:

Tom Domin is the author of "101 Ways to Originate Mortgages" and publisher of "Tom's Mortgage Tips" a twice monthly Mortgage Newsletter geared for Mortgage Professionals. Increase your pipeline and put your mortgage career on the fast track and sign-up for FREE at

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